Fasten Your Seatbelts and Prepare for an Amazing Journey With #WCEU 🚀

WordCamp Europe is getting closer, and we are now less than 100 days away (93 days to be exact!) from the event. There are still a few tickets left (68 to be exact!) from our second batch – so grab at least one if you haven’t already. And if you want an overview of what’s been happening in the past weeks – read on. Continue reading “Fasten Your Seatbelts and Prepare for an Amazing Journey With #WCEU 🚀”

Sign Up for Childcare at #WCEU

WordCamps are one of the most inclusive web-oriented conferences out there and affordable to thousands of people around the world. WordCamp Europe is no exception. Each year we try to raise the bar higher, by creating a welcoming experience for everyone. For the last two years we have provided childcare for every parent attending WCEU, and we are doing so again this year. Parents, get ready to rock the conference while your children have the fun they deserve in our dedicated childcare areas.
Continue reading “Sign Up for Childcare at #WCEU”