Second group of #WCEU speakers – Design

Second group of WCEU speakers

After starting #WCEU speaker announcements last Friday with the first group of speakers, we are excited to bring you the second group of speakers for WordCamp Europe. This group is focused on the topic Design.

John Maeda

John Maeda joined Automattic in 2016 as Global Head of Computational Design + Inclusion and previously served as Design Partner at KPCB, a world-leading venture capital firm. An internationally recognized speaker and author, his books include The Laws of Simplicity and Redesigning Leadership. He holds degrees in Electrical Engineering + Computer Science from MIT, MBA from ASU, and a PhD from University of Tsukuba in Japan. He has appeared as a speaker all over the world, and his talks for have received over 2 million views to date. Maeda is the recipient of numerous awards, and can be found on Twitter at @johnmaeda.

[Talk] WordPress and Inclusive Design

Morten Rand-Hendriksen

Morten is a Senior Staff Instructor at LinkedIn Learning and with 60+ courses published on WordPress, web standards, design, UX, and future technologies. He also teaches Interaction Design at Emily Carr University of Art and Design, and contributes to WordPress core and community projects. Morten enjoys playing with his son, reading philosophy and sci-fi, having conversations about the internet and how it shapes our society, and wearing out his shoes on the ballroom dance floor.

[Talk] The Ethics of Web Design

Simon Cooke

Simon is the Marketing Director at Pragmatic, a WordPress agency based in Brighton UK. He co-founded Republiqué, an award winning creative agency with focus on design and WordPress development, the agency ran for 14 years and until it merged with Pragmatic in 2016. More recently, Simon co-founded the IWP Awards, a new initiative to celebrate talent in the WordPress community. Simon also loves painting portraits and reading about our solar system.

[Talk] Origins of Design Inspiration

Alberto Medina

Alberto is a developer Advocate in the Content Ecosystems Team at Google. Computer Scientist by training, he has worked in academic environments, research labs, startups, medium companies (~300M users), and large companies (~1B+ users). Passionate about enabling awesome web experiences for all users.

Thierry Muller

Thierry Muller is a Swiss Digital Wrangler writing code and architecting softwares for a decade. He is passionate about web engineering, code quality, open source, community driven projects and building enterprise solutions. He spent a great part of his career building products and web solutions for WordPress as well as driving open source projects.
Thierry works at XWP as a Software Architect & Senior Engineer.

[Talk] Progressive WordPress Themes

Joshua Wold

As a designer turned Product Owner, Joshua has worked on a range of WordPress website projects over the years. Currently he is enjoying the opportunity to help define requirements for enterprise level WordPress sites. This gives Joshua the opportunity to have regular interaction with Content Producers, as well as amazing engineering teams. He applies his design background to many of the tickets he’s working on, sketching wireframes and creating prototypes to help bring the tickets to life for their clients.

[Workshop] You, yes you, need to sketch!

Due to the limited space available for each workshop, we recommend you get your ticket to WCEU now to not miss out on the workshop signup (opening soon).

Do these talks and workshops sound interesting?

Ticket includes entry to our 2-day event, lunch, coffee and snacks for both days, our yearly collectible event t-shirt, access to the After Party, and entrance to Contributor Day (registrations open separately).

Get your ticket

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