What does the team do?
This is where we discuss all things related to translating WordPress. We publish our progress, general updates, status reports, and discussions on our blog.
WordPress.org Polyglots Team homepage
Translate WordPress
You can help translate WordPress to your language at any time. Just log in to the translation platform with your WordPress.org account, and suggest translations.
If you want to help in managing and validating translations, please make sure to get in touch with the existing language team and follow the glossaries & style guides if the team has them.
Here are a few of members of the Polyglots Team, you might meet at WordCamp Europe.

Read a contributor’s story of Tor-Björn Fjellner, who’s love to poetry brought him to the WordPress community and gave him an ability to make a difference in a global scale.
When does the team meet?
Polyglots team meetings in the #polyglots Slack channel on the WordPress.org Slack take place each Wednesday at 12:00 UTC (14:00 CEST).
Welcoming new people to the Polyglots Team
Here is the link to the Polyglots resources which will help you get started.
Visit the WordPress.org Polyglots Team handbook for more information.
Get started with the tools
Set up a WordPress.org and Slack account for the Make WordPress Channel.
If you can’t find a video in your own language, come and help make one! Translation is one of the ways you can contribute to WordPress and make a difference for many people.
Join the live sessions
Why contributing could be for you
Presented by Abha Thakor and Pedro Fonseca
This session will provide an introduction on what is contributing to the WordPress project and why you should take part. You will meet a few of the thousands of contributors across the globe who 'make' the software and are part of its thriving community. These contributors will share what inspires them to be involved and …
June 7, 2021 at 15:15 CEST in Track 2
Getting started translating WordPress, themes, and plugins into different languages
Presented by Theodoros Gkitsos and Tor-Bjorn Fjellner
In this workshop, we will introduce new Polyglots contributors to translate.wordpress.org. How to find a suitable translation project, how to suggest a translation, and where to find information about standards and glossaries for your locale. It will also cover how to get involved with your local translation team and how to get your translations approved, …
June 8, 2021 at 15:05 CEST in Track 2