The Power of Translation: How the Polyglots Team Shapes WordPress

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How the Polyglots team shapes WordPress

Last year in Porto, the community team highlighted the Performance team and this year, we’re continuing the tradition of featuring one of our amazing Make teams.

The WordPress Project is huge and it is not only about the code. There are many teams that work hard to improve the project, but it may not always be obvious to the level of input and contributions some of the individuals make…

Let us introduce you to the Polyglots team.

What is so special about polyglots?

Did you know more than half of all installs are using a localised version of WordPress? Around 55% of WordPress installations are powered by Polyglots team translations. 

Currently, WordPress supports translation into over 200 locales, and about 70 of those are fully translated. These translations are powered by locale teams, composed primarily of volunteers who dedicate their time to making WordPress available in their language. This includes translators, who suggest the appropriate local language words/phrases, as well as translation editors, who help maintain good quality translations by reviewing the suggestions received, and by developing local best practices.

Anyone can help translate WordPress. All you need is a account, good knowledge of English and another language, and some time! In addition to translating the WordPress core software, Polyglots also support translations for plugins, themes, Meta projects, and even support and community documentation.

There’s always room for more translators, helping to make WordPress more accessible, globally!

Find out more!

You can find out more about the Polyglots team by visiting the community booth during WordCamp Europe. There, you’ll find members of different local communities, and find out what they do – and how you can get involved!

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