#WCEU Tickets available NOW

We’ve just released the first batch of tickets for the 10th Annual WordCamp Europe event to be held in Porto, Portugal at the Super Bock Arena (Pavilhão Rosa Mota) on 2–4 June 2022!

After online WordCamps over the past two years, we’re eagerly looking forward to having an in-person event again in Porto, which was originally planned for 2020.

We’re confident that Porto will provide that welcoming home again for all WCEU 2022 attendees!

Planning ahead

Planning for the next WCEU is well underway, and we can’t wait to deliver that unforgettable event again in 2022.

You can start preparing for your trip by purchasing a ticket – and keep an eye on our blog for travel discounts and accommodation options.

If you’re worried about the impact of COVID-19, check out our dedicated COVID-19 page, which answers a range of questions and gives you all the latest info on COVID-19 in Portugal. We’ll be updating this page over the coming weeks, so make sure you check this regularly in case of changes to any guidance or entry requirements.

Ticket price breakdown

Tickets will be released in batches throughout the next weeks. If the current batch of tickets has sold out, keep an eye on the site for the next chance to secure yours.

The first batch includes two ticket options:

  • Standard €50 tickets – these are priced far below the real cost of attendance as we’re dedicated to keeping WCEU affordable.
  • €350 Micro-sponsor tickets for those who are able to pay a figure that’s closer to the real cost of attendance.

Every year, our sponsors contribute towards the costs of the event, subsidising and offsetting the low cost of Standard tickets. Without sponsors, we couldn’t put on an event that focuses so passionately on delivering the best experience!

If you feel you can donate a little extra, consider purchasing a Micro-sponsor ticket as a way of giving back. Your donation will ensure an extra-special WCEU experience for you and all other attendees.

What to expect

We’re using attendee feedback to evaluate and improve WCEU and deliver an event that inspires you to connect and contribute but still feels like home.

At its core, WCEU is an opportunity to learn more about WordPress through two days of conference presentations, workshops, and contributing. But equally, as importantly, it’s a chance to meet new people and chat and relax with old friends. And don’t forget the After Party to celebrate the end of another WCEU – with the send-off it deserves!

Your ticket provides you with full access to all the content in our schedule, as well as food and refreshments during the conference, plus an event t-shirt and a few more surprises.

Contributor Day tickets

Contributor Day gives conference attendees the chance to give back to the WordPress community in real-time. Throughout the day, teams make real improvements to WordPress by coding, writing, troubleshooting, and planning future improvements.

Contributor Day registration will open soon and will be free with your conference ticket.

We’re busy planning behind the scenes to make sure you have the best experience as you give back to WordPress whilst connecting with one other.

Sign-up for newsletter updates at the bottom of the page to be the first to know about Contributor Day tickets and all the latest from WCEU 2022.