We are the go-to team to help with all things marketing and communications related in WordPress.org. We support other teams and are available to give advice, help with communications research and planning, and provide copy-writing and social media support amongst other roles.
WordPress 5.8 is coming at the beginning of June 2021 and there are also developments with Full Site Editing (FSE). [Update this has launched and we are moving towards 5.9!] To help share the news about releases, we are collating a list of media in different languages which could share WordPress knowledge to wider audiences in web development and IT. You can leave feedback directly on the call for channels info and contact the Marketing Team on its Slack channel.
Why marketing?
Olga Gleckler, a WordCamp Europe organiser and Marketing Team member, shares her insight into the team. “The purpose of the team is to help bring WordPress to different audiences. We have an awesome content management system and platform with abilities that are the dream of developers because they can literally do almost everything with WordPress. If the task includes content management, WordPress is the first in the list of what is necessary to success. We need to carry this information to wide audiences and this is the goal of the Marketing team. Marketers know that audiences are internal and external and communications need to be pretty good in both directions and they need different approaches and content. There is lots to do, come and join us.”
What does the team do?
Just some of the people involved in the Marketing Team who you might meet at a WordCamp or when you join the team meetings. Some of the members also contribute to other teams, and are involved with their local community Meetup and WordCamp too.

Can you contribute to the Marketing Team if you are not a professional marketer?
Yes, you can! Sharing news with your WordPress friends is the easiest way to get involved. Content creators, bloggers, translators, testers, developers, designers, video editors, journalists, project managers and people with superpowers are most welcome. Marketing is everywhere and it’s all about bringing value to people and make a difference. We have an awesome CMS and more than 40% of site owners all around the globe know it.
Join us to make amazing things together.
You can familiarize yourself with what we do through reading our blog and the Marketing Team Handbook but don’t worry, there is lots of help available to get started. You can come to the team’s channel any time (link below), tell us the areas of marketing and communications you are interested in, and the team members will help you to find the tasks that you can support.
Marketing team meetings in the #marketing channel on Slack happen each Wednesday at 14:00 UTC (16:00 CEST) until the shift to the wintertime where they will be in an hour later.
New contributors – set up the tools
Set up a WordPress.org and Slack account for the Make WordPress Channel.
If you can’t find a video in your own language, come and help make one! Translation is one of the ways you can contribute to WordPress and make a difference for many people.
Once you have a WordPress.org and Slack account, come and join the team on the Marketing channel on the Make WordPress Slack.
The Marketing Team at Contributor events and getting started
Sessions for new contributors
The Team has regular welcome sessions after our weekly meeting and coffee breaks twice a month where you can get to know some of the people involved and feel part of the community.
We held an opportunity for new contributors to drop-in the week following after WCEU and regularly after big WordCamp events. [The events below have now happened]
- Friday June 4th 2021, 7:00 UTC
(a link to an online meeting will be available either on request through email or shared on the #marketing channel on Slack) - Wednesday June 9th, 14:00 UTC – this is the usual Marketing Team meeting held on Slack. It will be open to help new contributors
- Friday June 11th, 2021, 12:00 UTC
(a link to an online meeting will be available either on request through email or shared on the #marketing channel on Slack)
Join the live sessions at WCEU 2021 or watch them on replay
These sessions took place in June 2021, but you can still watch them on YouTube or WordPress.tv.
Why contributing could be for you
Presented by Abha Thakor and Pedro Fonseca
This session will provide an introduction on what is contributing to the WordPress project and why you should take part. You will meet a few of the thousands of contributors across the globe who 'make' the software and are part of its thriving community. These contributors will share what inspires them to be involved and …
June 7, 2021 at 15:15 CEST in Track 2
How contributors make WordPress
Join Christopher Churchill and Abha Thakor as they chat to contributors who have been involved in major releases and projects within WordPress.org. They will explore the panel members’ favourite aspects of taking part, the impact it is possible to make, and what contributing has taught them.
Panelists will include: Hauwa Abashiya, Paul Bearne, Estela Rueda, and Robert Windisch. They will also be joined by a number of contributors from other teams on the chat and in the question and answer area after the session.
This will be the final session of Track 2 and be followed by a break before the keynote talk with WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg in Track 1.