What does the team do?
This team is responsible for coordinating all documentation initiatives around WordPress. This includes the Codex (moving to HelpHub and DevHub), handbooks, parts of developer.wordpress.org, admin help, inline docs, and other general documentation-writing across the WordPress project.
WordPress.org Docs Team homepage
Just some of the members of the Documentation Team, you might meet at WordCamp Europe or when you first join the project.

New to the team?
Are you new to documentation, but want to learn more about it? Do you enjoy writing documentation in other settings and could give your skills within WordPress? Read this blog for more information.
Set up a WordPress.org and Slack account for the Make WordPress Channel.
If you can’t find a video in your own language, come and help make one! Translation is one of the ways you can contribute to WordPress and make a difference for many people.
Existing contributors
For existing contributors wanting to get more involved with the Documentation Team, there are great opportunities to help write documentation for releases.
Join the live session
How contributors make WordPress
Presented by Christopher Churchill and Abha Thakor
Join Christopher Churchill and Abha Thakor as they chat to contributors who have been involved in major releases and projects within WordPress.org. Panelists: Hauwa Abashiya, Paul Bearne, Estela Rueda, and Robert Windisch.
June 9, 2021 at 16:10 CEST in Track 2