Meet our #WCEU Sponsors: Yoast

Thank you to Yoast for being a WCEU Admin sponsor.


We’re excited to announce our first Admin sponsor: Yoast.

Sponsors play such an important role in making WordCamp Europe as accessible to as many people as possible. We’re grateful for their support.

Yoast helps you get the most out of your website. We make SEO available for everyone. You might be familiar with our Yoast SEO WordPress plugin. With over 7.5 million active installs, Yoast SEO is one of the most popular WordPress plugins worldwide. But that’s not all we do. We contribute a lot to open source projects and in our Yoast Academy we teach you how to make your site rank. So apart from SEO plugins, Yoast offers online SEO courses and eBooks to help you understand and practice SEO yourself.

Yoast: Admin sponsor

Thank you, Yoast, for sponsoring WordCamp Europe 2018. 🙌

Yoast will have a booth at the event, along with our other sponsors. If you’re interested in finding out more about their team, services, or just fancy a chat, be sure to visit them.

Why Not Get Your Ticket Today?

A WordCamp Europe ticket costs €40. That includes access to our two day conference (lunch, coffee, and snacks included), an invitation to our after party, entrance to Contributor Day, and our yearly collectible event t-shirt.

Microsponsor tickets are also available at €150, if you’re able to give a little more and want to be featured in a post like this one. ❤

Get your ticket today