Aaron Jorbin

Aaron Jorbin

Aaron Jorbin is a Polyhistoric man of the web. Currently a WordPress guest committer and Technical Architect At Conde Nast. He is an ally to many and knows the world is better with Bow Ties and Whisky. He havehasspent the last 5 years as a core contributor to WordPress including the last ~6 months as a committer. One of his passions is keeping WordPress a “gateway drug” to both web development and open source. His passion for education extends beyond technology. He also organises an educational simulation of international relations for 1500 university students from around the world.


About Siobhan

Siobhan is the lead organiser of WordCamp Whitley Bay, her hometown in the North-East of England where she spends a lot of time on the beach with her dog and kids. When she's not organising WC Whitley Bay she's the COO of Human Made and runs WP Includes.
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