Michał Czapliński


Michał is a software engineer at Automattic, focused on enhancing the WordPress experience. Previously, he worked on the Frontity framework and loves contributing to open source. He used to be a digital nomad but now lives in Portugal where he goes surfing whenever he can!

Get to know Michał 🎙️

Can you start by painting a picture of what a typical day looks like for you? What fuels your passion for the work you do, and how does it tie into your involvement with WCEU?

A typical day for me involves a mix of research, writing, and coding. The exact proportions of those three might vary wildly from one day to another! Most days, I start with catching up with GitHub issues, messages and reading discussions after which I’ll update my list of tasks for the day and start to work on them. 

Whenever I need a break, I’ll go for a surf as I live in Portugal, 2 mins from the beach! I try to go ~3 times a week!

My #1 motivator is making WordPress the best platform for users and developers. Because of that, I’m really excited about the Interactivity API which I think is going to enable making interactive content with WordPress easier than ever.

What sparked your interest in becoming a speaker at WCEU? Was there a particular moment or experience that motivated you to share your insights with this community?

My hope is that the Interactivity API becomes THE standard way to build interactive UIs on the web with WordPress. I want to share the vision for it and talk a bit about how it came to fruition. My colleagues have encouraged me to apply and I had thought that it would be interesting for the community to learn more about the Interactivity API since it has been released very recently!

For those awaiting your talk, could you give us a preview of what we can expect to learn from your talk? Any sneak peeks?

No spoilers! Kidding aside, I’ll talk about where the idea for the Interactivity API came from and tell the story of how it came about. But most importantly, I want to inspire folks to give it a try and use it in their project!

Is it your first time at a WCEU or WordPress event? Any standout memories or lessons learned that you’d like to share?

It’s going to be my third WCEU and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the previous two. The afterparties are always a blast so don’t miss them!

Looking beyond the scheduled sessions, what do you hope attendees will take away from their overall experience at WCEU? How can they leverage the event to enhance their professional development or personal growth? 

Talk to more people! Don’t hesitate to catch up with a session on wordpress.tv later on and instead talk to the person next to you. Also, contributions can go far beyond the Contributor Day. Open a PR, issue or ticket or come discuss an existing one!