Jessica Lyschik



Jessica Lyschik is a frontend and WordPress developer at Greyd with more than 17 years of experience creating web solutions for clients of all sizes. After spending almost a decade coding with Python, she went full-time on developing for WordPress in 2015.

She enjoys diving deep into creating solutions with CSS, the block and site editor, and the performance optimisation of WordPress websites. Jessica has been contributing to WordPress in multiple ways, most notably being the Default Theme Co-Lead for the Twenty Twenty-Four theme released with WordPress 6.4 in November 2023.

She is also actively participating in the community as a speaker, volunteer and organizer at meetups and WordCamps and was the lead organiser for WordCamp Germany 2023.

When not in front of the computer, she enjoys building Lego sets, practicing piano, and going on long walks in nature.

Get to know Jessica 🎙️

Can you start by painting a picture of what a typical day looks like for you? What fuels your passion for the work you do, and how does it tie into your involvement with WCEU?

A typical day is rather uneventful: Eat, Code, Rest, Repeat. A software like WordPress is never “done”, so there’s always something you can make better. And when working remotely, it’s really great to meet many of those people in person at WCEU that I interact with mostly aysnc online.

What sparked your interest in becoming a speaker at WCEU? Was there a particular moment or experience that motivated you to share your insights with this community?

I spoke at WCEU before, back in 2016 with a lightning talk and in 2020 with a regular talk. Sharing my thoughts and learnings with community members is something I personally enjoy.

For those awaiting your talk, could you give us a preview of what we can expect to learn from your talk? Any sneak peeks?

I want to share some background information about default themes and the vision behind Twenty Twenty-Four and some details about it.

Is it your first time at a WCEU or WordPress event? Any standout memories or lessons learned that you’d like to share?

This year in June I’ll have my 10 year anniversary attending WordCamps! I’ve learned a lot, not just about WordPress, but also about people and communities.

Looking beyond the scheduled sessions, what do you hope attendees will take away from their overall experience at WCEU? How can they leverage the event to enhance their professional development or personal growth? 

First of all, have a good time. Plan for some rest, you don’t have to chase every party. What I found helpful in the past is making a list of people you want to meet or at least say hi and have a little conversation with, but make it meaningful. That can be a catch up with long time friends, or a question you have for someone that you’re not very close with.