David Cuesta



David Cuesta is from Santiago de Compostela, where he manages a Digital marketing Agency specialised on SEO and web creation using WordPress.

He collaborates with the WordPress Community and since 2023 is exploring the new formats of WordPress Meetups.

Get to know David 🎙️

Can you start by painting a picture of what a typical day looks like for you? What fuels your passion for the work you do, and how does it tie into your involvement with WCEU?

My normal day starts with breakfast with my family and walking with my dog, then I go to my office to work on my Digital Marketing Agency. Here I coordinate with my colleagues all the daily work and follow up the projects we manage (mostly SEO projects, but also web development, design and social media). After that, I go back home, where I can enjoy lunch with my wife and son (11 months of pure energy boy). After lunch we all go together for a walk, and after this walk, I have my evening for different tasks or hobbies, such as continuing working, recording videos for YouTube or just playing with my little boy.

This is a normal day in my life, but I need to mention that it is extremely strange a day without WordPress, my webs are in WP, almost all my clients, I help with my city meetup, I also know people from other closeby cities meetup groups… So yes, WordPress is definitely in my life.

What sparked your interest in becoming a speaker at WCEU? Was there a particular moment or experience that motivated you to share your insights with this community?

Being a speaker at any WordPress event is always a pleasure for me, and talking in the Europe event is also an honor. 

When I started using WordPress in my projects, I was always wondering about news of events appearing in the dashboard, I left too much time until I decided to go one and meet the community. It was in 2019, and since then I really enjoy sharing as much as I can with the community.

For those awaiting your talk, could you give us a preview of what we can expect to learn from your talk? Any sneak peeks?

WordPress meetups are awesome. I think all must agree with this. They are a good opportunity for sharing and learning locally, knowing people with the same interests and helping each other.

Creating a group in your city, if there is not yet a group, could be difficult or scary. This last year, with the opportunity of new types of events, I started the adventure of trying something different, a way to start a group in your city easily and fast, a starting point for a group that I think is easy to replicate. In my talk I will share my experience and learnings so you can start a meetup group in your city in an easy and fast way 🙂

Is it your first time at a WCEU or WordPress event? Any standout memories or lessons learned that you’d like to share?

It is my first time in a WCEU, but not in a WordPress event, because I go to as many WP events as I can! For me these WP events are the best way to meet people of our interests and at the same time learn new ways of doing things, and also with lots of fun. I really love them. 

And so, I cannot wait to live the experience of a WordCamp Europe!

Looking beyond the scheduled sessions, what do you hope attendees will take away from their overall experience at WCEU? How can they leverage the event to enhance their professional development or personal growth? 

In my opinion, the best thing you can get from the WordPress events, any of them, is the feeling of community, being part of this project, understanding it, and collaborating each one with anything that can be possible. I think that is the most important and helping for me, but another really good thing you can find in WP events is the people, a lot of networking that help in your development and knowing of the ecosystem. The talks, even though they are the main dish of the event, I think come after these two other things. All together make an unforgettable experience 🙂