Why you should apply to speak at WordCamp Europe 2023

Updated 10 February 2023: Our Call for Speakers has now closed.

The next edition of WordCamp Europe 2023 will be held at the beautiful Megaron Athens International Conference Centre and will feature various sessions and workshops led by experts in the field. And we want to see you on stage!

As a speaker at WordCamp Europe, you’ll have the opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with a dedicated and engaged audience. This is a great way to showcase your skills, reach a wider audience, and give back to the WordPress community. 

Plus, speaking at a WordCamp is a fantastic way to network with other WordPress professionals and enthusiasts and gain valuable public speaking experience. So if you have the practical knowledge to share with the WordPress community, we encourage you to apply to speak at WordCamp Europe. It’s a rewarding and memorable experience you won’t want to miss.

If you’re considering applying, here are a few important things you need to know:

If travelling to Athens might put significant pressure on your budget:

At WordCamp Europe, we want to encourage diversity on the stage. We know that the financial aspect of speaking can often be a bottleneck for speakers, so we recommend you check out our speaker support program to get your presentation sponsored.

You don’t see a lot of people like you speaking at WCEU and are not sure if WordCamp Europe is the correct place for you:

The WordPress community is very diverse. We all come from different cultures, have different backgrounds, lifestyles, and professions. And the fact that we embrace and praise all the differences and use them to learn more about the world makes our community unique.

If you feel that you are not like most of the speakers you have seen on the WCEU stage before — great! This is exactly how most of the speakers feel! There is no such thing as a “regular WordCamp speaker”, and this is beautiful. 

We aim to make the WCEU stage as diverse as possible and encourage members from underrepresented groups to answer our call!

I have a fantastic story to tell, but I’m not ready for a big stage!

Do you need help with your preparation? Are you looking for somebody who has done it many times before to review your talk and advise you on how to deliver it best? We know how intimidating it can be to create a great session and build up the confidence to speak in front of a large audience. We’ve all been in that position and have prepared the mentorship program for you.

But I’m not a developer

Being enthusiastic about WordPress is what matters! Our attendees are more than just developers. We have bloggers, hobbyists, business owners, designers, agencies, theme and plugin companies’ tech and not-so-tech staff, hosting companies, and many more attendees from various backgrounds

Whether you’re just getting started with WordPress or are a seasoned pro, if you have a story to tell – we want to hear it!

Updated 10 February 2023: Our Call for Speakers has now closed.

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