WCEU 2023 Content Vision

We are incredibly excited about WCEU 2023 in Athens, aren’t you?

To that end, we wanted to share some details of our hope and vision for your experience next summer.

What is the goal of WCEU?

First and foremost, we are looking forward to bringing the community together. After years of the pandemic, time together with other WordPress folks is precious and fun. 

It’s also a perfect time to help those who are new to the community to get involved. We get to collaborate with different teams during Contributor Day and beyond, helping build the WordPress project into something better than it was yesterday. 

As always, we know that the relationships we build and connections we make for work and friendship last well beyond the final talk and after-party.

We also want to make sure knowledge is shared. This could be in the form of talks, workshops, case studies, or contributing to the WordPress project. We want to share best practices and empower more people to feel comfortable using WordPress. 

We are also focusing on hearing new voices and new ideas from people who might not normally raise their voices. We are encouraging first-time WordCamp Europe presenters and are working to provide them mentorship as well.

The content goal is:

To have presentations and workshops so interesting that people who usually spend time in the “hallway track” will attend sessions instead. 🤓

This is an ambitious plan, of course, but we have a few ideas about how we are going to accomplish it.

Serve the right content to the right people

We’re working to build a user-centric schedule that provides interesting content to specific interest groups throughout WCEU. We want to provide clear navigation paths for attendees so that they know what to expect from each session, and can easily spot the ones that are most interesting to them.

Improve diversity 

We want to encourage new people to speak and bring new and diverse voices to the WCEU stage. Currently, we are working on Speaker’s Support and Mentorship programs. To help bring on more new and experienced speakers, we’ll be inviting companies that wish to financially support diverse WordPress voices in the following weeks.

We’ll be promoting the Call for Speakers through local WordPress communities, other tech communities, social media, online media, and through word of mouth.

We hope that the WordPress community will support this effort and help us to bring more diversity to the WCEU stage!

Encourage Interaction

We will provide more interaction by:

  • Encouraging speakers to apply interactive activities in their presentations and workshops
  • Empower interaction between attendees and speakers through various methods
  • Improve interconnection between content and community
  • Facilitate communication after sessions through WP Cafe, the Community booth, Livestream, and other contact points.

We’re very excited to see everything come together. 

Subscribe to the newsletter below 👇 and follow WCEU on Twitter to stay up to date.

We hope that you will help us spread the word about the Call for Speakers once it’s open. We look forward to offering a pool of interesting, diverse, and interactive sessions at WordCamp Europe 2023 in Athens!

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