Happy 20th Birthday, WordPress!

20th Anniversary image for WordPress

From all of us here at WordCamp Europe, a very Happy Birthday WordPress!

On 27 May 2003, Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little forked b2/cafelog, and the web would never be the same again. Today, WordPress powers around 43% of all websites and is the leading content management system in the world.

In honour of our celebration of 20 years of WordPress, we’re going to throw our favourite CMS a birthday party. But software is nothing without its people so in the same time we celebrate our great community!

Let’s celebrate at the after party!

In just under 2 weeks, around 3,000 attendees will be together at the Megaron Athens International Conference Centre for our largest WordCamp Europe to date. And as we close the event on Saturday 10 June, in the evening we’ll be having a massive birthday party to celebrate!

Attendees are invited to wear their cherished local WordCamp or Meetup t-shirts, showcasing their support for their respective communities. To add an exciting twist of diversity, we suggest that individuals from the same city or country wear different t-shirts.

This creative theme pays homage to our community’s rich history and promotes camaraderie among participants. Let’s come together to create a joyful and colourful parade and celebrate two decades of connection, learning, and growing in style!

Important: You will need your WordCamp Europe 2023 badge to enter the venue

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