Some of you may know that WordCamps are non-profit, volunteer-organised and community-oriented events. What you may not know is that almost the entire budget of a WordCamp comes from sponsors! For 2022, WCEU aimed to raise 1 million euros to offer the best experience possible and to start a new dynamic of in-person events after 2 years of interruptions. The sponsors are what makes WordCamp Europe’s tickets very affordable, even though it is the world’s most significant event in our community.
This is where the Sales & Sponsors come in! They are in charge of the entire fundraising process and work closely with the other organising teams as well as deputies at WordPress Community Support (WPCS).
Here are the main tasks which the Sales & Sponsors Team manages:
- designing the sponsorship packages,
- setting up the pricing strategy with the Budget team,
- handling the invoicing with WPCS,
- sourcing potential sponsors, relationship building, all things related to packages selling,
- GPL and trademark checking,
- Code of Conduct training for new sponsors,
- communication and assistance to sponsors on administrative, visa, financial, logistical, community, editorial issues,
- expo area floorplan design with the production team, booth positioning on the floorplan,
- expo area sponsors activities guidance,
- helps other teams identify sponsorship opportunities and collect funds to develop their projects and mini-events.
Many thanks to Anne-Mieke Bovelett, Carole Olinger, David Pérez, Jason Rouet, Marko Tanaskovic and Valerio Vaz.
And big up to all our sponsors! See you next year in Athens! <3

Next year, WordCamp Europe will be hosted in Athens/Greece. If you want to be part of the organising team of 2023, please, do not hesitate to apply