
Your AWS Assistant for WordPress

WP on AWS is the toolkit to manage AWS Lightsail from within the WordPress interface! WP on AWS software, allows you to easily:

  • Trial any WordPress site on Amazon Web Services for free!
  • Migrate, Clone or Transfer sites to any AWS account from any hosting environment in minutes!
  • Manage a site’s AWS architecture from within the WordPress interface!

Click Here for a licence key to use the plugin – clone any site now to see it running in AWS for Free! No license fees or AWS usage charges will apply. Trial instances stay active for 36 hours after launch. See our Trial User Guide on the AWS website for further details.

The WP on AWS toolkit allows for managing migrated sites in many ways including the following:

  • Scale up or scale down your AWS Lightsail instance
  • Spin up development, staging or subdomain versions of your instance
  • Upgrade your instance to the latest WordPress Bitnami Stack

Need to upgrade the version of PHP on your WordPress site? Another great feature of WP on AWS software is the ease at which users can upgrade PHP on their AWS instances. See our Upgrade Guide for more details.

Seahorse makes WordPress on AWS accessible to all!
