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Admin Columns

Admin Columns does what it says: create Columns in the Admin of WordPress. But you might not know why you would want to do that.

Have you ever used a custom fields plugin like ACF, WooCommerce, or Meta Box? Try to find a post, page, or product based on a custom field? Sort custom fields, filter custom fields, create exports, or export.

That is what Admin Columns is for. It solves the problem you didn’t know you had. You’ll be hooked once you use it in your WordPress admin and see your productivity and quality get a major boost.

Admin Columns lets you create overviews with just the content you need for the task at hand. You can configure what is shown, how it’s shown, and then sort, filter, (bulk)edit, and export it right from the overview page.

Come to our stand, and we’ll gladly give you a demo on how working with custom post types, custom fields, and everything else meta becomes a breeze with Admin Columns.
