What does the team do?
The TV team reviews and approves every video submitted to the free online library WordPress.tv. They also help WordCamps with video post-production and are responsible for the captioning and subtitling of published videos. Reviewing videos is a great way to learn about WordPress and help the community. Previous experience is not required to get involved.
Members also contribute to exploring the automation of captions.
Some of the TV Team, you might meet at WordCamp Europe and when you get involved.

When does the team meet?
The TV Team meetings are every Thursday at 15:00 UTC in the #wptv channel on Slack.
Visit the WordPress.org TV Team homepage make.wordpress.org/tv/ for more information.
I’m new, how do I contribute?
Contribute to WordPress TV can in several ways.
- Contribute a video related to WordPress. Workshops can be also submitted to the Learn platform
- Make captions to existing video
- Translate and add captions in a different language
- Review videos
Get more information on how to get involved with WordPress.tv.
Get started with the communications channels
Set up a WordPress.org and Slack account for the Make WordPress Channel.
If you can’t find a video in your own language, come and help make one! Translation is one of the ways you can contribute to WordPress and make a difference for many people.
Addition materials
Recording on WordPress TV from WordCamp Europe 2020: Making videos captions beautiful, accessible and engaging at the same time, from Ahmed Khalifa, who despite of hard hearing is a WordCamp speaker and organizer.