Be creative and passionate about your contributions – you’ll find that there are plenty of ways for you to get involved!
Pooja Derashri / iampooja.com (India)
The first time she attended a WordCamp Ahmedabad, she learned about the WordPress community, and everything changed for her.
WordCamp Ahmedabad has one of the best WordPress communities in India,” she said, “and everyone, including organizers and attendees were so humble and welcoming.
Soon after, she got involved in the community by working with WPTV and translated strings into the Hindi Language for the Polyglots team.
Contributing to WordPress is a fantastic opportunity for people who want to make a difference. In addition, contributors develop skills and self-confidence by interacting with some of the best minds around.
In 2019 she first came to know about the Training Team, and the development Learn WordPress website at WordCamp Ahmedabad’s contributor day. Then she started contributing and involving more and more in the Training team. She points that nothing can be done immediately and to achieve something noticeable you need time.
When I started in the Training team, it was a bit overwhelming. You needed to know and remember many things before picking up a task and submitting your work for review. And now I drafted a reusable blocks lesson plan for Learn.WorPress.org. That is my favourite contribution till now, and many more to come. Contributions enhance my knowledge and learning skills too!
She encourage everyone to try:
Be creative and passionate about your contributions – you’ll find that there are plenty of ways for you to get involved!
How to join the Training Team?
All that you need to start — to create an account on WordPress.org but to meet team members behind the scene and get involved with all other activities, you need to join WordPress.org Slack.
The team meets in the #training Slack channel.
5-minutes videos are available to help you get started with the tools of communications. The Marketing Team with contributors from other teams and Camps are working on a number of translations and voiceovers in different languages.
Set up a WordPress.org and Slack account for the Make WordPress Channel.
If you can’t find a video in your own language, come and help make one! Translation is one of the ways you can contribute to WordPress and make a difference for many people.