Effective tips to establishing and maintaining successful partnerships

Amid global pandemic, businesses are focused on self-preservation and strategies for rapid development.

Establishing and keeping alive upscale partnerships is a great way to do it, yet many companies struggle with it they do not feel confident approaching potential partners, and once they do, they find the process of contracting difficult and slow.

Often afterwards, the partnership does not yield the expected results, so they let it fade away, turning the initial effort made, as well as the idea of growing through partnerships seem like a pure waste of resources.

But does it really need to be this way?

In this talk, I will share my strategy and tactics as a Key Partnerships Manager at SiteGround for efficiently approaching potential partners and developing winning proposals that will get you noticed, and save your energy, time, and money.

Will share practical guidelines to help you nurture the business relationships you have created, so you increase the chances for success of the collaboration significantly in the long run.

Key takeaways:

  • Learn how to create a structured approach for outreach to partners
  • Understand the main pitfalls and what not to do
  • Het tips for planning out the partnership’s life cycle in order to make it a successful business endeavour.

