What does the team do?
The Make WordPress Accessible Team needs your time and talent. Writers, documentarians, marketers, developers, copy editors, testers: anyone can help.
WordPress.org Accessibility Team blog
Some of the members of the Accessibility Team, you might meet at WordCamps or when you join the communication channel on the Make WordPress Slack (more details below on how to connect).
Get involved with the Accessibility Team

New to the work of the team?
Are you interested in helping in the team?
Resources to help you get started in the Accessibility Team
Get started with the contributing tools
Set up a WordPress.org and Slack account for the Make WordPress Channel.
If you can’t find a video in your own language, come and help make one! Translation is one of the ways you can contribute to WordPress and make a difference for many people.
More accessibility resources
Videos of the talks at WordPress Accessibility Day 2020
Accessibility talks from WordCamps across the Globe, WordPress.tv