Design Team

What does the team do?

The Design Team provides user experience, user interface, and visual design expertise for the WordPress project.

Our vision is to be the go-to resource for design for other teams across the WordPress open source project.

Get involved with the Design Team

Contributor feature

Boy Witthaya is a graphic designer from Thailand. He is the Figma component maintainer in the Make WordPress Design Team and collaborated with #core-css on the new colours that were on the last release. He was the team lead for WordCamp Asia 2020 Design Team. He is also very active in his local community.

He has been a WordPress enthusiast since 2008. After attending WordCamp Bangkok and WordCamp Tokyo 2018, he joined the WordPress community, got involved, organised WordPress Bangkok Meetup, WordCamp Bangkok and WordCamp Asia. He also contributes to the Documentation and the Polyglot Teams.


Just some of the members of the Design Team you might meet at WordCamp Europe.

Estela Rueda
Estela Rueda
Ahmed Chaion
Ahmed Chaion

When does the team meet?

Visit the Design Team homepage for more information. The page lists the dates and times you can join meetings.

I’m new, how do I get set up?

Set up a and Slack account for the Make WordPress Channel.

If you can’t find a video in your own language, come and help make one! Translation is one of the ways you can contribute to WordPress and make a difference for many people.

Contribute to our work

We meet and have ongoing discussions in the #design Slack channel.

Join the live sessions at WCEU

  • How to start designing for WordPress

    Presented by Javier Arce

    In this workshop, Javier Arce (Product Designer at Automattic and member of the Make WordPress Design Team), will share some practical tips and tricks on how to start designing for WordPress using Figma. This workshop is open for everyone that wants to know how the design team at WordPress work. The content will be mostly …

    June 7, 2021 at 18:00 CEST in Track 2