Reduce, reuse, and recycle – 7 ways to repurpose content and maximise your efforts

Creating content that helps people know, like, and trust our business can be incredibly time-consuming. Millions of pieces of fresh content are published each day. How will you support visitors, prospects, and clients in their buyer and user journeys? Yvette will share two strategies and seven techniques that do exactly that. You’ll discover how you can take customer feedback and content with proven value and repurpose it again and again, without sounding like a broken record, because you’re offering the right content in the right format at the right time.

How fast-growing agencies win business

Simon tells his story of becoming a salesperson after 20 years as a designer. Now heading up the Commercial team at Pragmatic, one of Europe’s largest WordPress agencies, he reveals how agencies experiencing rapid growth can win business and retain valuable clients. For agencies and freelancers who want a professional approach to sales with a creative touch, Simon shares practical advice on positioning your business, pitching digital solutions, and creating a unique value proposition, with a sprinkle of sales presentation tips to ensure you stand the best chance of success.

WordPress for non-profits: Website best practices, collecting donations, increasing exposure online

Charles will discuss plugins that he finds work well for donation-based model websites, and share ways to create a user experience to increase donations and awareness. Proper theme selection, SEO, and plugins not only enhance the way we tell a nonprofit’s story, but also build brand awareness and in turn create a sense of comfort for the donor that they are supporting a cause which resonates with them. Whether the cause relates to animal welfare, orphans or trafficking, a properly designed site can attract donor dollars and exposure that the organisation might not have otherwise.

Using blocks outside the editor

Blocks aren’t just for editing posts and pages. Tom will build a block, then show you how to put it in other places, such as a settings page or even on the front-end. Why should posts get all the attention?

Designing your first Gutenberg block

Sometimes the hardest part of a new project is just getting started. In this new Gutenberg-powered world, what does it mean to design a block? Where do I put my shortcode attributes? What’s this toolbar? Mel will show you examples of blocks she designed and go over the basic anatomy of a Gutenberg block. You’ll learn how a block is structured, where to put your settings, and user experience tips to ensure your users or customers are set up for success. No prior design experience is required, and developers are encouraged to attend!

Copywriting tricks, techniques, and CTAs for bloggers and marketers to improve conversion rates

There is no perfect text to attract everyone, but writing techniques, neurolinguistics, and legibility can be used to get the maximum result from content on our website or blog. Fernando will teach you how to write for SEO, readability and mobile devices, optimising for sharing and virality across social networks and content curation services. Starting with imperfect text, he will improve it step by step until it transforms into a practically perfect piece of content for conversion and call to action (CTA).

Semantic content in a block editing world

The Gutenberg block editor gives us new and exciting possibilities to create visually rich content in WordPress using block-based authoring tools. But what if we don’t know how our content is going to be displayed? Joe will take a look at what happens when we make assumptions about the visual presentation of our content, based on the tools we use to create that content. He will explore the advantages and tradeoffs that come from keeping the structure of your content distinct from the presentation of that content, and look at examples of how we can maintain this separation while providing compelling visual authoring experiences for people using our custom authoring tools.