Meet Lena Lekkou – Design Team Co-Lead

Basel, Switzerland 5 – 7 June 2025

Start with your name. Easy huh? 🙃

Lena Lekkou

Tell us about your team in three words.

Design Magic Supernova —because we aim to create stellar designs with a touch of magic!

If your team were a WordPress plugin, what would it do? 🤔

Replace all the bad typography and weak colour contrast on WordPress sites across the web

What’s the most unexpected skill you’ve used while organising WCEU? 🏄

I can’t think of a very unexpected skill, maybe the combination of different skills and the more multidisciplinary approach that we have to practice.

Describe your WCEU experience so far using only emojis. Add as many as you want.


What’s the funniest or most memorable moment you’ve had with your team?

This year’s design is built on a box-grid system, and I vividly remember our team discussions about finding the ‘perfect’ grid and applying it consistently across all social media assets. We got really into the details! It might have sounded like a very niche discussion to anyone else, but for us, it was key to creating a cohesive visual identity.

If WCEU were a music festival, what would be your team’s anthem? 🪇

A very bad-ass metal music because we rock! 🤘

What’s one thing people don’t realise about your team’s work behind the scenes? 🪁

People might not realise how many different things and teams we collaborate with. We handle everything from the website and social media to swag (like T-shirts and tote bags), venue prints, and digital signage. It’s a 360-degree approach to the WCEU brand, making sure it’s consistent across digital and print.

In the spirit of open-source collaboration, what’s the best lesson WCEU has taught you about teamwork?

Working in a team with people from around the world is the best lesson I can take from this experience. But what I think we have in common is that we love supporting each other and the community, and that is what drives us most.

Which famous fictional character would make the best addition to your team, and why?

Kiki from the anime Kiki’s Delivery Service would be a great fit! Because we do have to deliver a lot of different things to the rest of the teams, and with her magic powers, maybe this can be magically easier. Plus, she’s a hard worker and always eager to help!

Convince someone in 10 words or less why they should join WCEU next year.

It’s the feeling that you give back to the community for me. That’s all I will say.


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