Call for Photographers

Basel, Switzerland 5 – 7 June 2025

Each year, our team of volunteer photographers and photo editors work hard to capture as much of the 3-day event as possible. They have their lenses focused everywhere, making sure that moments are preserved and memories can be relived and shared.

Bring your skills and experience to the party.

If you think you’ve got what it visually takes to document everything that happens in Basel this June, we want to hear from you.

You don’t need to be a seasoned professional; having an eye for detail and the ability to tell a story in pictures are far more important. Some examples of the work from previous years can be found at our Flickr gallery.

As an official WCEU photographer, you are free and encouraged to:

  • Shoot in your own style
  • Produce sharp, high-quality photos
  • Release your images under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license


  • Monday, 27 January 2025: Call for Photographers opens
  • Sunday, 9 March 2025: Call for Photographers closes at 23:59 CET (Basel Time)

Like all the other roles at WordCamp Europe, photography will be volunteer-based, so there is no payment for taking part. But it does ensure a free ticket, food, swag, and an invitation to the exclusive Volunteers Social as thanks for your contribution.

Ready to join the team?