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About the company

ZealousWeb’s Evolving Role in the WordPress Community ZealousWeb has come a long way in our involvement with WordCamp. From being attendees in previous years, we’re excited to be exhibiting for the first time. Our active role in the community doesn’t stop there; we’re proud to be organizing WordCamp Ahmedabad this year, expecting over 1200 attendees on December 9th, 2023. Our journey with WordCamp is an integral part of our story. It’s a platform where we’ve not only grown but also shared and connected with the community. This year, we’re looking to take our involvement a step further by applying for speakership. We’re eager to share our experiences as an offshore agency and how this incredible community has played a crucial role in our success and connections across the globe. We see these opportunities not just as business ventures, but as a means to contribute to and grow with the WordPress community.

WordCamp Europe 2024 is over. Check out the next edition!