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About the company

Polylang allows to create multilingual WordPress websites. Already used by over 700,000 websites, performance, ease of use and integration to the WordPress user interface are the priorities driving the developing team. Thus, it is suitable for sites ranging from the simplest bilingual personal blog to high traffic websites with thousands of posts translated in several languages. Further enhance the experience with Polylang Pro which fully integrates to the block editor and the site editor (FSE). It also comes with several features meant to improve the productivity when managing multilingual contents such as smart duplication of blocks and ACF fields. It also allows to communicate with professional translators using XLIFF files.

Have an e-commerce built with WooCommerce? With Polylang for WooCommerce it has never been easier to create a multilingual WooCommerce shop and to communicate with your customers in their language. Last but not least, numerous third party plugins are available, allowing to connect to translation services, or to integrate to other popular plugins.


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