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About the company

Halvar: Green Open-Source Hosting with a Mission

Halvar, founded by Ramon Fincken, is a hosting company driven by a mission to make a positive impact on the planet. The company’s ethos revolves around the belief that individuals and businesses in the IT sector should be conscious of their environmental impact, considering factors like CO2 emissions, material use, and personal habits such as travel. Halvar aims to raise awareness and empower users to be greener in both their professional and personal lives.

Green Hosting Initiatives

Halvar stands out by providing green servers that incorporate recycled parts, emphasizing sustainability without compromising speed. The company actively contributes to open-source platforms like WordPress, engaging in Core Development and plugin development. This commitment ensures that Halvar’s servers are optimized for various open-source platforms, catering to developers using WordPress, Drupal, Laravel, or custom MVC frameworks.

Halvar’s Meaning: A Guardian of the Earth

The name “Halvar” is derived from the Old Norwegian name Hallvarõr, meaning “the strength of the protection as a rock” or “defender of the rock.” This name is symbolic of Halvar’s secure server setup and its broader mission to protect the Earth. The company’s dedication to green hosting is reflected in the name, emphasizing its commitment to being a guardian of the planet.

Promoting Green Practices

Halvar not only provides green hosting but also encourages users to adopt eco-friendly practices. The company advocates for fast-loading websites, efficient code writing, image size reduction, and selective loading of JavaScript and CSS. Additionally, Halvar suggests using tools like Cloudflare or Nitropack for WordPress users and implementing static HTML page caching modules for non-webshop sites. The company emphasizes the importance of security, recommending firewalling and monitoring for login attempts.

Green Tech Nerds and Developer-Focused Approach

Halvar prides itself on being green tech nerds, continuously contributing to open source since 2004. The company promotes environmentally friendly travel options like trains and buses over planes. With a love for developers, Halvar’s servers are equipped with tools such as SSH, rsync, and wp-cli. The team is developing an API for spam checks and IP blacklists, highlighting their commitment to providing robust and developer-friendly hosting services.

Agency Hosting for Freedom and Affordability

Halvar targets agencies and web developers managing multiple setups, offering substantial freedom on their servers while ensuring security. The company believes in the capabilities of its users to manage their settings and updates, allowing them to offer hosting packages at competitive prices. For those seeking managed hosting, Halvar recommends exploring their other company,, or checking their partner page.

In essence, Halvar positions itself as a green hosting solution with a holistic approach to sustainability, from server infrastructure to user practices, making it a choice that not only benefits businesses but also aligns with a commitment to environmental responsibility.


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