The Real Cookie Banner by logo

About the company

Cookie Banner and Consent Management for your WordPress website – easy to be legally compliant Obtain GDPR (also known as DSGVO, RGPD, RODO, AVG) and ePrivacy Directive (implemented in national law as TTDSG, LOPD-GDD, DTA, TLA, LEK, E-com Act) compliant consents. Find services, cookies etc. and fill all legal information in your cookie banner.

More than just a cookie notice! Cookie plugin designed specifically for WordPress websites to simplify setup. Real Cookie Banner is a cookie and consent management plugin.

Obtain consent to load services and set cookies for your visitors in accordance with the GDPR and ePrivacy Directive.

In addition, content blockers help you to be compliant even if your theme, plugin or content loads styles, scripts or iframes that would transfer personal data. Start now with our guided-configuration and avoid legal risks!


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