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About the company

At Chetaru, they’re dedicated to crafting WordPress sites that truly stand out. With a specialization in custom WordPress development, they’re well-equipped to handle any request—be it for an e-commerce platform, subscription models, or a bespoke website. They also emphasize optimizing for Core Web Vitals, ensuring every site is not just functional but also fast and SEO-friendly.

Chetaru takes pride in their commitment to WordPress and the support they offer their clients. They manage everything from hosting to domain management, treating each project with meticulous care to ensure top performance and client satisfaction. Their team is passionate about WordPress, offering personalized support and expertise that extends well beyond the basics of technical issues.

This focus and dedication make Chetaru a trusted partner for anyone looking to enhance their online presence with a powerful, well-managed WordPress site. Whether you’re an individual or an agency looking for reliable backend support, Chetaru is equipped to help you succeed.


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