We’re excited today to release our amazing schedule with featured-packed sessions on both conference days, along with some engaging workshops – all hosted by a range of speakers from across our community!

We worked hard to create a schedule with a wide variety of topics that can suit a broad range of attendees at all levels and did our best to have a varied pool of speakers representing the whole WordPress community.

WordCamp Europe will feature talks about the future of WordPress, showcasing some of its current and upcoming features. We’ll have sessions about Design, Development, Accessibility, Content & SEO, and way more, as well as hands-on workshops on both conference days.

Piermario Orecchioni, Content Team lead

This year, the Content Team have implemented some changes to the schedule setup – for the first time, there’s multiple keynote talks from big names within the WordPress Community. There’s also a reduced number of sessions to create more time for valuable networking and ‘hall tracks’ – talks with sponsors, contributors and the wider community.

Some arrangements are still being finalised, with a new WordPress Connect feature hosting panel talks and discussions. Updates will be added to the schedule in the coming weeks before we begin the conference in early June.