We’re excited to introduce you to our sponsors for WordCamp Europe 2024. Time to announce one of our Administrator Sponsors – SiteGround

What can you tell us about your company?

As we gather for WordCamp Europe 2024, SiteGround is excited to celebrate a significant milestone: our 20th anniversary! From the early days when we started offering WordPress services to serving over 3 million domains today, the WordPress community has always been a big part of our journey!

We’re celebrating 20 years together with the invaluable lessons we’ve learned on the way. We hope our “20 Lessons in 20 Years” will inspire anyone on their path to making a big dream come true: siteground.com/20

While we cherish the opportunity to be part of hundreds of events globally, WordCamp Europe feels like coming home – a place where our paths cross with friends and collaborators from across the world. As we look forward to the next 20 years of website services innovation, we invite you to continue this journey with us.

Discover how our managed WordPress hosting can support your projects at siteground.com/wordpress-hosting

#WCEU2024 #SiteGround20


WordCamp Europe 2024 is over. Check out the next edition!