Have you applied to speak at WordCamp Europe 2023, but need some help with preparation? Someone to review your talk? A little push to boost your confidence?
We know how intimidating it can be to create the perfect presentation and build up the confidence to speak in front of hundreds of people. We’ve all been in that position, and we want to offer help if you need it.
That’s why we, at the WCEU 2023 Content Team, have created a mentorship program for speakers!
Once you are selected as a speaker, you can choose to be connected to a mentor – someone who has been there and done that – to benefit from their guidance and experience, and to help make your talk a success.
Our mentors will help review your content and slide deck formatting, guide you through the process of preparing your talk, and build your confidence to deliver your presentation in a way that helps the audience understand and engage with the content. The mentorship program is open for everyone who may need it. It will be a one-to-one mentorship & interaction program.
Here’s how it works:

- While filling out your speaker application, mark the check box requesting mentorship.
- If you are selected to speak, you will be assigned a mentor who is best suited to your topic.
- Based on the mutually agreed requirements and needs, there will be up to 3 mentoring sessions
- Introduction, presentation outline, talking points and overview – you can start drafting the presentation based on this discussion
- Review of slide deck and further refinement of the talking points – you can complete your slides and prepare your talk
- Mock-Session – here you can do a dry run of your talk and get feedback to resolve any issues.
The WordPress community offers additional support for diverse and underrepresented speakers. To learn more about the trainings, meetings, and support channels available, visit the WP Diversity tag on WordPress.org.
For any questions about the Mentorship Program for speakers, you can reach us at europe-speakers@wordcamp.org