Say hello to the WordCamp Europe 2023 Organising Team!
It’s no secret that WordCamp is already being built behind the scenes. We have the pleasure of presenting to you our 2023 Organisers!
Aiming for another successful, unforgettable WCEU experience, the following members of the WordPress community are volunteering their time and skills to help to make one of our favourite WordPress Community events possible.
- Global Team Leads
- Attendee Services Team
- Budget Team
- Communications, Marketing & PR Team
- Content Team
- Community Team
- Design Team
- IT Team
- Local Team
- Photography Team
- Sponsors Team
- Volunteers Team
Global Team Leads
We are in good hands for WordCamp Europe 2023, because Evangelia, José, and Sjoerd, our three Global Team Leads, will oversee the event’s organisation.
They are in charge of helping keep everything on track by bringing their own individual touch and their past WordCamp experiences to set the tone and energy for WCEU 2023.
Evangelia Pappa
@EvangeliaPappas Manager at WPMU DEV, blogger, WordPress Community enthusiast, passionate about involvement, openness, accessibility & volunteering. In love with travelling, people, and cultures. Comes from Greece.
José Freitas
@josefreitasHelps small to medium businesses create communication strategies to have more customers and make more sales. WP sites are always in the center of the ecosystem. A committed advocate of WP community.
Sjoerd Blom
@sjblomA kind-of Jack-of-all-trades caught between WordPress, cooking, travelling, and aviation. Theme developer, customer support, polyglot, WordCamp volunteer, WordCamp organiser.
Attendee Services Team
The Attendee Services Team provides audience support and ticket logistics. They are available throughout the event, making sure attendees have all the information they need.
Uros Tasic
Belgrade, Serbia
@wputasicLoves WordPress, food, traveling, and meeting people. Every spare moment is spent blogging, cooking, and sitting glued in front of a laptop until my eyes go crazy.
Nikola Stulic
Belgrade, Serbia
https://wpscout.ioFather of two beautiful girls. WordPress developer trapped inside the mind of a math teacher and vice versa. Founder of WPScout. Often doodles the Greek letter Xi. Loves to wear suits and ties.
Toze Vasconcelos
Porto, Portugal
https://tozevasconcelos.comMy professional background comes from designing smart homes, and one day I decided to update our company’s website and found WordPress… and since then, in 2015, I’ve fallen in love with WP.
Vagelis Papaioannou
Thessaloniki, Greece
https://vagelis.devI am a Full-stack software engineer, born and raised in Athens, living in Thessaloniki. WordCamp Thessaloniki & SKG Meetup co-organiser. I love coffee, video games, running, and food.
Ivelina Dimova
Alicante, Spain
@iv_wpIvelina is a WordPress developer working at Awesome Motive, focused on back-end development and passionate about version control systems and server administration tools. Loves yoga, traveling, and photography
Alexandros Kaounas
Athens, Greece
@alexkaounasDigital nomad and WordPress enthusiast. Working remotely as a developer from Athens, Greece.
Marieta Christopoulou
Athens, Greece Communications Manager at Papaki & Top.Host ( Group). Avid bibliophile with a WP blog named Loves technology, gaming, traveling, and learning new things.
Thelma Mutete
Harare, Zimbabwe
@thelmachido1I’m part of the WP community in Zimbabwe. I’ve worked with WP, volunteered & organised WordCamps in the past 5 years. I work at Automattic and I’m a digital nomad, invite me to your city!
Budget Team
The Budget Team brings the financial expertise that helps ensure a seamless WCEU experience for all before, during, and after the event.
Juan Hernando
Pontevedra, Spain
https://ciudadanob.comFreelance web developer, long-time WP user, and open web advocate. Co-organiser of meetups and WordCamps in Galicia. Deputy and Mentor at WordPress Global Community Team. Sponsored by Weglot 5ftF
Justina Baskyte
Kaunas, Lithuania
Ecommerce expert & business owner nowadays, WP developer & PM in the past. WordPress user since version 1.5. Meetup organiser & speaker, lt_LT translator. Mom of 2, fan of cats, baking & classic rock.
Kel Santiago-Pilarski
Wrocław, Poland
Kel is a former nurse, tattooist, WP+AWS product evangelist & WP plugin supporter. She’s currently a Happiness Engineer at Automattic and has been a part of the WordPress global community since 2014.
Evangelos Athanasiadis
Larissa, Greece
http://athanasiadis.meWordPress developer/evangelist, meetup & WordCamp co-organizer. Lead GTE for Greek distribution. Loves Open Source software & tools, communities & his first computer Spectrum+ 48K.
Emma Wager
Athens, Greece
@EmmaWager2Ops Manager/Partner at BTW (Beatthewhites), helping people/brands empower their online identity. Love improving workflows and excavating ancient mines. WP novice and keen to be part of the community!
Communications, Marketing & PR Team
The Communications, Marketing & PR Team works closely with all other organising teams to ensure that attendees are kept up-to-date on the latest WCEU developments via the WCEU blog, social channels, and attendee emails. They also work with our partner media organisations to help spread news, information and back-stage activity worldwide.
Steve Mosby
United Kingdom
@Steve_NHS job: managing major transformation programmes within the NHS. Away from the 9-5, Steve runs MalgraBooks, an online bookkeeping and accounts service for self employed consultants – using WordPress!
Matt Ross
United Kingdom
@thisismattukLover of WordPress and IT in general. Solutions provider to individuals and small businesses. I garden, I keep animals, live in the countryside and about to become a beekeeper!
Thom Stackhouse
@wpthomWorks within a specialist technical team at Automattic. Passionate about all things WP. Has a long history of working with plugins having retrained as a developer at 27. Attended his first WC in 2022.
Kartik Shukla
Ahmedabad, India
@kartik16 is a Certified ScrumMaster & Project Manager working with Axelerant Technologies. He is passionate about WordPress and its Five for the Future initiative promoting community’s contribution.
Jorge Casals
Madrid, Spain
https://youngtalentpath.comHead of Product at Ovixia. Developing the future of eCommerce data-driven solutions. Speaker at multiple WordPress & Woo Meetups across the globe. Talks about Entrepreneurship, Tech and Innovation.
Ximena Vinitzca
Antwerpen, Belgium
https://folkamedia.comArgentinian, vegetarian and travel lover. CEO at Folka Media, a tailor-made web development agency specializing in WordPress. Co-organiser of WP MeetUps in Buenos Aires and WordPress teacher.
George Gkouvousis
Athens, Greece
https://8web.grHead of DevOps at 8web Interactive, an award-winning agency serving the world wide web tons of megabytes every day, through awesome websites & scalable solutions built with WordPress.
Hacer Yilmaz
Portel, Portugal
https://hydigitaldeveloper.comHacer is a freelance web developer, building sites on WordPress. She works as a Production Manager for a Brussels-based marketing agency and as a Support Engineer for a Berlin-based SaaS company.
Mike Johnston
Lisbon, Portugal & travel writer and management coach. Creating with WordPress since 2018. WCEU 2022 organizing team. Looking forward to Athens!
Santana Inniss
Lisbon, Portugal
@avesantanaI work on integrated marketing communications projects as a sponsored contributor to the WordPress project. My background is in digital strategy and non-profit online communications.
Matt Cromwell
Braunfels, Germany
https://www.mattcromwell.comSenior Director of Operations and Marketing at StellarWP. I provide marketing and business insights and coaching to burgeoning WordPress products owners.
Content Team
The Content Team is responsible for putting together a rich and varied schedule of talks to inspire and educate WCEU attendees.
Marcel Tannich
Valencia, Spain
@MarcelTannich is a passionate coder from Austria, living in Spain, and works at OntheGoSystems as a WordPress Technical Supporter & Team Lead for the WPML plugin. He is also an active WordCamp speaker.
Laura Sacco
Turin, Italy
https://mentoredigitale.itWordPress lover, polyglots passionate, organizer, and speaker in WP events. Laura is a Support Engineer @Yoast. She used to be a social worker, with a passion for business and organizational studies.
Matheus de Almeida Martins
Sorocaba, Brazil
@mat_wd lover, passionate about aviation, horses, web dev, support, entrepreneurship, hiking, trekking, and traveling. Works as a Senior Support Technician at LiquidWeb being part of the GiveWP team.
Ryan Marks
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
@CdrMarksRyan is an engineering manager at Pantheon, a WordPress Community Deputy, the lead organizer of WordCamp Birmingham, and enjoys Alabama Football and Softball, saltwater fishing, and snow-skiing.
Kamalesh Kalarickal
Washington, DC
@karkrazy2000 with an interest in UX, a Sr. QA at aiming to bring peace and quiet to those he interacts with using creative problem solving, active listening, observing, and seeking improvement.
Nate Finch
Madison, USA
https://n8finch.comHusband, dad, loves cooking/grilling, coffee, scotch, travel, language, teaching, connecting w/ people, and learning new things. Full Stack Dev @ (now by Elementor). @n8finch on the webz.
Anchen Le Roux
Lourinhã, Portugal
@anchenlrOwner and Lead Developer
@SimplyDigitalDesign Studio
Lover of WordPress & the WP-Community. Passionate about simple, green and nomadic living. Co-host of The Page Builder and Launch & Leads Summits. -
Panos Koukoulis
Thessaloniki, Greece
@PanitoKoukou of Simplyfine, administrator in a wide range of WP projects. Passionate with WordPress, he is a co-organiser of Thessaloníki meetups & leader organizer in WordCamp Thessaloniki.
Francesca Marano
@francescamarano of Engineering Learning and Growth at XWP, three times release co-lead. Mentor and public speaker. I help developers build the open web.
Piermario Orecchioni
https://www.happierweb.comI’m a freelance web designer and WordPress contributor, mostly in the Italian Polyglots team. I like to make technology and the web friendly and accessible. Besides building websites, I like in no particular order clouds, lighthouses, whales, pear juice, Mogwai and loud guitars in general.
Community Team
The Community Team raises awareness of contributing to the WordPress project, enhances the event’s community-building element and, ultimately, makes WCEU more fun.
Estela Rueda
Bratislava, Slovakia
https://estelarueda.comUX Strategist that loves WordPress. Besides WordPress, I enjoy working with teams to create easy-to-follow and satisfying (vs frustrating) experiences for websites. I write about design and documentation in
Harris Papazoglou
Athens, Greece
Fullstack web developer making the web a better place!
Ioana Muresan
Strasbourg, France
https://transitionintotech.comA newcomer to tech, currently loving life as a Happiness Engineer. Started to document her journey & inspire other mid-career professionals to explore a tech role.
Remkus de Vries
Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
https://remkus.devries.frlWordPress veteran and performance specialist. Co-founded WCEU and WCNL. Helps you grow your WordPress + WooCommerce sites & scale your business. In his spare time, he loves picking up heavy things.
Penny Anderson
Beloit, Wisconsin, USA
https://www.patheva.comA retiree building a website for a virtual assistant business to assist with the desired nomad lifestyle. Volunteered for educational and networking purposes.
Tiago Silva Vasconcelos
Porto, Portugal
https://www.eventoseviagens.comGraduated in Computer Engineering, but always with my passion for organizing Events. I have my own company of web design and Wedding Planning since 2019.
Liza Bogatyrev
Malmö, Sweden
Product marketer and lover of all things WordPress since 2004.Sponsored by
Yannis Develekos
Athens, Greece
@YannisDevelekosYannis, father of three, Hector, Philippos, and Odysseus, and husband to Vasso is a marketer helping companies increase sales and generate ROI using WordPress/WooCommerce websites and Google Ads.
Earl Cruz
@edgecroix consultant agency / Partner Success Manager marketgoo
Isotta Peira
Barcelona, Spain
@peiraisottaA passionate community manager, I love working with international teams on remote projects. Since January 2022, Automattic sponsors me to contribute full-time to the WordPress Community Team.
Wajari Velasquez
Pontevedra, Spain
@wajariv consultant with a weird name. I teach technical SEO and WordPress. I collaborate in the co-organization of open-source technology groups. I love technology, the internet, gardening, cooking, and zen.
Sevilla, Spain
https://liquidspark.comWeb & Graphic Designer living in Sevilla, Spain. When I’m not designing, I teach English and work with NGOs doing outreach, direct service, and advocacy. If I’m not replying to emails check the forest!
Simona Simionato
Valencia, Spain & Milano, Italy
COO at a consulting company that focuses on digital learning. Simona is involved in the WP community as a speaker mentor. She is part of the Diversity speaker project..
Design Team
The Design Team supports other teams with their visual communications needs and is responsible for WCEU’s distinctive style!
Lena Lekkou
Athens, Greece
https://lenalekkou.designMultidisciplinary Designer. Head of Web at SAE Athens. Podcast Host of Life of Dev. Loves Lego, Puzzles, Cozy Games & Bullet Journals
Vagelis Papaioannou
Thessaloniki, Greece
https://vagelis.devI am a Full-stack software engineer, born and raised in Athens, living in Thessaloniki. WordCamp Thessaloniki & SKG Meetup co-organiser. I love coffee, video games, running, and food.
Stavros Tsiogkas
Athens, Greece
@steve_tsiogkas by enthusiasm. Developer by academic incline. Believes that research is always the best way to answer a question and that the scientific method is the way to be sure the answer is correct.
Leonidas Xiros
Itea, Greece
@leoxamusic Designer with a love for graphic design, researching, design systems, and motion graphics! I also love to make music, play the piano and play video games. Always looking to learn more.
Evangelia Chatzilygeroudi
Athens, Greece Junior UI/UX Designer driven by a desire to create user-friendly systems. I am dedicated to crafting intuitive and seamless user experiences that simplify complex processes.
Sofia Xeniadi
Athens, Greece
@sofiatheangel1 designer. Loves designing&researching. Games are her sore spot Dog mom Sweets addict
Deborah Butler
Cahors, France
https://startumproject.comI Am A Freelance Front End Web Developer who is passionate about building and designing websites. I specialize in building fast, clean, and modern websites that look awesome on any device.
Fotis Pastrakis
Thessaloniki, Greece
@fotisp4 Designer @ Deloitte, Front End Dev & Web Designer. Strategy, scope, Structure, Skeleton & Surface is the pillars of his work. Knowledge is a never ending process.
Ioanna Mitsani
Athens, Greece
@IoannaMitsani“Knowledge is power” is the phrase that I act on. Studying Applied Mathematics and Web Design & Development, with a passion for e-commerce. I love helping people to learn & become their best selves.
Eleonora Anzini
Terni, Italy
@dogfacedboy transform the image of small and medium-sized companies around the world by working on branding through logo design, corporate image, and web design.
Gessica Peretti
Torino, Italy’m a graphic/web designer. I deal with printed graphics and Corporate Identity. I love using WP for my projects, it’s a tool that I can adapt to all needs. I’m the co-organizer of the Torino meetup.
IT Team
The IT Team helps make sure that everything ticks, the website works, and teams have access to everything that they need.
Nemanja Cimbaljevic
Mionica, Serbia
https://cimba.blogConference & WordCamps speaker, WordCamps co-organizer and volunteer. Co-organizer of local WP events in Serbia. WP Expert @Codeable. PHP, WordPress and WooCommerce backend developer.
Pantelis Orfanos
https://pantelisorfanos.comFounder/CEO of BrandSpark LLC. IBO/SP with MMP. Hellenic origin, living in Belgrade. Helping other people achieve more. Loves traveling, hiking, food, diving, Argentine tango & photography.
Pascal Casier
Parma, Italy rep, International Polyglot Mentor, fr_BE/nl_BE GTE, TranslationDay3 Global Lead, WCEU 2018-19-20 Organizer. Belgian based in Italy, missing beer and chocolate but loving coffee and food.
Fotis Stathopoulos
Amfissa, Greece
Long-term supporter of WordPress and active member of the Greek Community. He has helped in the organization of both local and international WordCamps. Currently working at Automattic.
Local Team
On the ground in Athens, the Local Team provides a wealth of knowledge and contacts, making logistics, sourcing local suppliers and venues, and information gathering much easier. Thanks to the work of this team, attendees can learn more about cultural customs and reduce potential barriers or difficulties in language.
Takis Bouyouris
Athens, Greece
@takisbig developer and project manager @ Building websites with WordPress since 2007. WordPress Athens Meetup curator, WordCamp Athens organiser. Enjoys music, books, movies, tv series, travelling. Is a pacifist, a liberal, an internationalist and, recently, a dad.
Kostas Vrouvas
Athens, Greece
@kosvrouvas is a freelance Web Developer based in Athens, Greece. He loves the Web and wants to make it better for everyone. He uses WordPress and other technologies to develop and host websites and e-commerce stores that represent businesses as neat as their physical store.
Fotis Routsis
Athens, Greece
@froutsis fullstack developer, proud member of the WordPress Greek community & WCGR/WCATH organiser! Loves to code and to scuba dive (not at the same time), but mostly he loves the big WP family!
Nikos Roussos
Athens, Greece
@comzeradd Engineer, focusing mostly on Open Source technologies, Web Development, and Sustainability. Loves traveling, coding, and of course building new projects using WordPress.
Elli Mouchtari
Athens, Greece based in Athens. Branding Strategist and Content Creator. Loves photography, traveling and meeting new people. Lives with her two dogs. Always eager to learn something new. When she grows up she wants to be an artist.
Fotis Stathopoulos
Amfissa, Greece
Long-term supporter of WordPress and active member of the Greek Community. He has helped in the organization of both local and international WordCamps. Currently working at Automattic.
John Kastorinis
Athens, Greece
https://www.themoca.euFather of 2 lovely children & CTO at WeCommerce. Always thinks big. Proud supporter and member of the Greek WordPress Community and Scouts of Greece. Loves sailing and meeting new cultures.
Iakovos Frountas
Athens, Greece
https://frountas.comIakovos is a WordPress developer based in Greece. He is a coffee lover and co-organiser of the Athens WordPress MeetUp and WordCamp Athens.
Panos Antonopoulos
Patras, Greece Consultant & Co-Founder of the NFP InterMediaKT. Develops online education tools and offers digital skills and transformation training. Organizer of Patras Codecamp and of Patras WordPress Meetup. Enjoys travelling, meeting new people, and exchanging ideas and cultures
Photography Team
With images and videos, the Photography Team documents and tells the visual story of the WordPress community coming together to learn and engage at WCEU.
Kostas Fryganiotis
https://kfphotography.grKostas is a professional photographer at and web developer/project manager at He is a member of the Athens WordCamp and Athens WordPress meetup organizing team. He enjoys traveling, playing sports, and of course, taking photos of everything!
Pantelis Orfanos
https://pantelisorfanos.comFounder/CEO of BrandSpark LLC. IBO/SP with MMP. Hellenic origin, living in Belgrade. Helping other people achieve more. Loves traveling, hiking, food, diving, Argentine tango & photography.
Nilo Velez
Seville, Spain
@nilovelez of WordPress Sevilla and es_ES polyglots GTE. Nilo has been making websites since 1998 and helping people stream events since 2019.
Nastia Kolomoytseva
Korinthos, Greece
@nastaia Kolomoytseva is a Product Manager at Uncanny Owl. On a mission to create awesome essential WordPress plugins. She is a passionate cross-fitter, gamer, and owner of three dogs and four cats.
Selena Salustri
Toulouse, France
Dog, travel, photography, and WP lover. Selena was a volunteer at most of the WC Europe and in several WC around Italy as well.
Steve Blythe
@stephenemm is a Glaswegian with a love for old cameras and weird lenses. He has been part of the Trust & Safety team at Automattic for the best part of a decade, but in a previous life, he masqueraded as a professional photographer, and has been published by major outlets including the NME, BBC, MixMag, Myspace, and the Scottish Sun. Athens is one of his favourite cities in the world.
Koukos Xenophon
@xkoukos is an IT support engineer. He loves street photography, road trips and listening to different kinds of music.
Enjoys meeting new people and exchanging ideas. -
Val Vesa
https://gallery.val.socialVal is passionate about travel photography, while also immersing himself in long walks throughout the streets and capturing the faces, the smiles and the day-by-day life of people. He is social media and community manager for Cloudflare, a father of two and volunteering his online security expertise in live webinars or talking to students in schools and universities about how to safely use social media.
Mónica Pérez
@monicapereze love photography and fashion design, but I also want to learn more about WordPress and share experiences with the WP community.
Fede Padilla
@fedepadilla’m someone who has a passion for exploring the latest technologies and actively contributes to the WordPress Malaga community.
Evangelos Chantzis
@vag_chan am a web developer passionate about photography. Trying to learn new things every day in order not to get bored!! Reading books, gym, 3d printing, and teaching robotics are some of them!
Chris Clarke
@chris_c not working on WordPress sites, Chris is passionate about travel and photography. Whether it’s sports, action or documentary, always on the look out for inspiration and something unique.
Javier Salinas
@lavideoteca and filmmaker with more than twenty years of experience. He has worked in almost all areas related to visual creation: graphic design, web design, photography, cinema, series, advertising, events, video art, etc. For the last decade he has worked mainly in the educational sector and is currently coordinator of the Innovation and Audiovisual Production Unit of the San Pablo CEU University (Madrid).
Cezar-Alexandru Cazan
https://www.triumf.roI like technology and creating websites. Photography and music are my top hobbies.
Yigit Telyakar
@vatografija fan, amateur photographer, and bass player. WordPress user since 2011 and WCEU attendee since 2016. Always gives compliments to dogs and loves the color Red
Maria Monastirioti
I am a Data Analyst in the Banking Sector with interest in Digital Marketing and SEO. I am outgoing and I enjoy meeting new people. In my free time, I volunteer, travel, read books and take pictures. I am interested in gender equality and inclusivity in business.
Justin Nealey
https://nealey.proPhoenix, Arizona based street photographer and WordPress freelancer
Marilena Filaiti
@marilena_filaiti name is Marilena Filaiti. I live in Athens. Photography is my passion. Through the lens the world looks different and I would like to show you this difference.
Styliani Viliou
Hi i am Stella and I am a beginner in the world of photography. I finished my studies in AKTO college in 2022. As a beginner i am searching every opportunity in order to develop my skills. Over the past two years i am working in a jewelry shop so my business portfolio is more with Product.
Aleksandar Ciric
Award-winning art photographer, videographer, awarded author of documentary movies, certified drone pilot, WordPress admin, currently attending WP DEV course. Fluent in English, Russian, Bulgarian, basic German
Sponsors Team
The Sponsors Team works closely with our generous sponsors to ensure an enjoyable WCEU for all involved. You can contact the team at: europe-sponsors(at)
Jason Rouet
Cognac, France
@JasonRouet’m helping big corporations build their WordPress maintenance strategies at Whodunit agency! Community side, I am the General Secretary of, the French-speaking association of WordPress users. Interested in sponsoring WCEU? Let’s chat!
Lucas Radke
Karlsruhe, Germany
@Crixu44 Manager with a heart for the WordPress Community. Passionate about open source, hosting, WordPress, the super duper developers club, and offline scouting.
David Perez
Granada, Spain
https://close.technologyPassionate about fast websites and how WordPress can help companies to grow online. CTO at Close·Technology, a development and design agency that specialises in plugins, themes, and web technology.
Marion Couturier
Palma, Spain
@marione_leone Management – Events & Communication
Anne-Mieke Bovelett
Mönchengladbach, Germany
https://annebovelett.euAnne is a passionate accessibility advocate, loves to connect people, and is an engaging speaker. Lovingly chases plugins, theme and page builders to do better on accessible output.
Marine Evain
Saint-Maurice-de-Gourdans, France
@marineevain1 Project Manager at Whodunit agency. OPQUAST certified (and very interested in the accessibility matters). Easy-going, French native and fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Mom of 2.
Angelos Synadakis
Thessaloniki, Greece
@asynadak help businesses get results by changing the way they use their digital channels. During the last decade I had the chance to work with more than 250 companies in a variety of different sectors.
Dean Burton
Seville, Spain
https://dean-burton.comI support our partners and clients at WP Buffs as Head of Success. I also write about Customer Success, run a remote workers group in Seville, love traveling, and of course, have new experiences!
Volunteers Team
WordCamps everywhere are only possible with the hard work of volunteers who sign up to lend their time and energy to make sure everything runs smoothly during the event. The Volunteer Team for Athens 2023 has the illustrious, but hugely satisfying, job of recruiting, training, organising and managing upwards of 250 individuals for three days.
Wendie Huis in t Veld
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
https://itsmewendie.comHappiness Engineer at Automattic after 10 years of freelancing as a WordPresser. Active in the community as organiser, volunteer, speaker and visitor of WordCamps and Meetups.
Nemanja Cimbaljevic
Mionica, Serbia
https://cimba.blogConference & WordCamps speaker, WordCamps co-organizer and volunteer. Co-organizer of local WP events in Serbia. WP Expert @Codeable. PHP, WordPress and WooCommerce backend developer.
Olugbode Gbenga
Lagos, Nigeria
@olugbodegbengaI believe that service to humanity is the best work of life. With support from my community, League of Change Makers (LCM), an NGO, was birthed and it has helped sharpen youths into becoming leaders.
Diana Vasconcelos
Porto, Portugal
@DianaSilvaVascAfter my first experience as a volunteer at WCEU I wanted to go further. I have the ambition to learn new and different things and having a particular enthusiasm for organisation and communication.
Stefanos Togoulidis
Thessaloniki, Greece
https://hypest.orgHead of the WP and Jetpack mobile apps at Automattic, Stefanos is active in the community, meetups and WordCamps as volunteer, organiser, speaker and MC! Enjoys coding, board games and music.
Francesco Di Candia
Barletta, Italy
@fra83 WordPress stuff for 10 years, actively involved in volunteering and organizing WordCamps and Meetups, now a brand new Community Deputy trying to understand the whole WP world under the curtains.
Aida Correa-Jackson
Jacksonville, FL USA
https://LoveBuiltlife.comMom, grandma, wife, Latina, Black, nuerodiverse. Florist by day artist & University instructor by night. I teach DEI for the web. My aim? To push the boundaries of the face of technology.
Svetlana Guzovskaia
Lisbon, Portugal
@sveta_gskyRussian soul based in Lisbon. With a background in digital marketing, project management, and UI/UX design. Now working as a Happiness Engineer at Automattic. Contributing to WCEU since 2019.
José Arcos
Valverde del Camino, Spain
https://josearcos.meWeb Developer working for the United Nations. He is part of the WP Spanish Community and has been speaking at WordCamps, organising a local Meetup and helping in the Spanish forums as a moderator.
Ángel Moreno
Granada, Spain
@arkangel in Granada, Spain, with some cats and a couple of chickens. To earn money and fun founded Si2 where he works as CTO & PM. Rest of the time he walks up the mountain, and practices Taichi and Kung Fu.
We began planning for WordCamp Europe in Athens back in 2022, even before we arrived in Porto! We’d like to acknowledge and thank members of the organising team who have provided support during the past few months and helped contribute to the planning of our event.

Athens, Greece

Athens, Greece

Athens, Greece

Athens, Greece