Standard ticket price change from 1 January 2019
Each year, WordCamp Europe works incredibly hard to ensure ticket prices can be kept as low as possible to encourage participation from a large community with diverse perspectives, regardless of financial background.
For WCEU 2019 we opened sales for Standard tickets at €40 each on 1 October 2018 and, following three months at this price point, we’ll be updating the price for a Standard ticket to €50 on 1 January 2019.
The change is in line with the WordPress global community team, which raised the maximum WordCamp ticket price to keep pace with inflation.
New guidance
WordCamps all around the world rely on the WordPress global community team for support and guidance to put on events for local communities. This includes guidance on ticket prices, with a maximum price point for a ticket per person, per day.
A new maximum ticket price has been set at €25 for 2019. But if a WordCamp can afford to continue with their existing ticket pricing strategy, they will not change a thing.
WordPress is free and priceless, and WordCamps would be free if it was possible. It’s important to continue pricing WordCamps reasonably to ensure that the event is accessible for as many people as possible.
Micro-sponsor tickets
We’ll continue to keep the option for purchasing a Micro-sponsor ticket at €150 for anyone in the community who can afford to and wants to put a little extra towards the event.
This price is closer to the real cost we cover for each person who attends WCEU. The actual cost exceeds €200 per person, and the total tickets sold (including Standard and Micro-sponsor) cover less than a quarter of the total cost per attendee. The remainder is made up by our amazing small and large business sponsors, whose booth fees subsidise the WCEU experience.
Join us this June
*All WCEU tickets sold out on 18 May 2019. Thank you, and see you in Berlin! 🙂