We are delighted to follow yesterday’s #WCEU speaker announcement with more development-related talks!
Here are the speakers in the Development II category.
Andrew Taylor
[Workshop] Automating your QA with visual regression testing
Andrew currently works for Pantheon as a developer programs engineer, providing consulting to their agency partners around complex workflows and automation. As a former web developer, Andrew spent his time on large-scale projects for clients such as AMC Networks, Frito Lay, National Van Lines, and more. With over 10 years of web development experience, he is a seasoned veteran.
Jack Lenox
How better performing websites can help save the planet
Jack has previously spoken at WordCamps and a number of other tech conferences, including the Future of Web Design and A Day Of REST. He ran in a UK parliamentary by-election, which led him to present and debate at numerous public husting events and on regional and national TV and radio.
Juliette Reinders Folmer
[Workshop] For the love of code: Modernising WordPress, plugins, and themes
Juliette is an opinionated, passionate busy-body with a prolific portfolio of contributions to various high-profile, open-source projects over the years. She is co-author of PHPCompatibility and initiator of PHPModernizer, and created the PHP Cheatsheets. Juliette regularly speaks at conferences and is always happy to discuss how we can all contribute to changing both the dev-culture and our code, to be better. She is self-employed and based in the Netherlands.
Micah Wood
[Workshop] REST API
Having been as a professional WordPress developer for over a decade, Micah has worked on sites for Fortune 100 companies, has released over a dozen WordPress plugins, is a frequent speaker at WordCamps, co-organises the WordPress Gwinnett meetup, is co-host on the WP Square One podcast, and shares his knowledge by blogging on WordPress development topics.
Sami Keijonen
Maintainable CSS architecture in the Gutenberg era
As a front-end engineer at 10up, Sami focuses on building the web with accessibility in mind.
Torsten Landsiedel
Special characters and where to find them
Torsten is a WordPress freelancer from Hamburg and is a former GTE, former support forum moderator, and a member of Pluginkollektiv, a group of people maintaining plugins from Sergej Müller.
Vladimír Smitka
WordPress through bad guys’ glasses
Vladimír is a network engineer, developer and security researcher, WordPress enthusiast, and WordCamp Prague organiser, as well as the founder of marketing agency, Lynt.