Register for Contributor Day

Graphic shows words: '#WCEU Contributor Day' and sub-title 'Get your free ticket' above a coloured street-art background

Update: All places for Contributor Day have now been filled.

Contributor Day is a one-day event where volunteers contribute to WordPress, collaborate with new and existing contributors, and learn about the different ways to get involved in the project. Events like this take place all over the world, either as standalone fixtures or partnered with a WordCamp.

WordCamp Europe’s Contributor Day takes place on 20 June 2019, preceding the two conference days on 21-22 June.

The WordPress project is made up of a number of teams working on areas ranging from core and theme review to design and marketing.

Many Make WordPress teams will be represented, and the ability to choose a team was available when registering for a ticket.

“What happens during Contributor Day?”

WordCamp Europe (WCEU) Contributor Day will take place on 20 June, in the same venue as the main conference, the Estrel in Berlin.

Contributor Day Schedule

8:30 Registration
9:15 Opening and welcome
10:00 Contributing to WordPress
12:15 Group photo
12:30 Lunch
14.00 Contributing to WordPress
17.00 Quiz and wrap-up

When you arrive in the morning, follow signs inside the Estrel venue to find dedicated rooms, sign-in at registration and confirm the team you will be joining. Volunteers will be available to talk with the about different contributor areas and to support first-time attendees and anyone who would like to try working with a new team.

The day will begin with opening remarks, and each Contributor Day Team Lead will present information about their team’s focus and aims.

Following this, attendees will take seats at tables reserved for each team and start working on tasks available or continue with a ticket or card they have already begun. New contributors will receive assistance with setup and access to tools and information to help them start their contributing journey.

During the lunch break, you can meet new people, network and even consider whether to work with a different team for the second half of the day.

The event will run until the late afternoon. During closing remarks, each Team Lead will present their team’s progress and achievements.

The full schedule and confirmed list of teams will be published before the event.

“I don’t think I’m knowledgeable enough to contribute to WordPress…”

Contributor Day is for everyone. A variety of skills are needed, and all skills are welcome.

A Contributor Day is not like a job interview or workplace and does not have the associated pressure. It is a friendly and supportive environment, with a shared vision to develop and maintain the WordPress open-source project.

All levels of experience and expertise across a range of areas, including but not only development, are essential for diversifying open source projects. It is the best way to ensure WordPress is useful to as many people as possible and can be used by everyone.

“I don’t know which team to join.”

There are a lot of teams, and we don’t expect everyone to know which one to join before the event. The WCEU team built a brand new Contributor Orientation Tool to help make a selection.

When using the tool, you are asked a set of three questions. You can select multiple answers, after which the tool will suggest one or more teams where your skills and interests would be of great value.

Please note that we are not collecting data from this tool, and results are only visible to you. You are not obliged to use this tool nor share the teams identified. The tool is available to help you decide where you might like to start contributing.

Contributor Orientation Tool – Explore which teams you might want to join.

“Okay, I’m in. How do I register?”

Registration for Contributor Day opened on Monday 15 April 2019 at the WCEU tickets page (registration has ended, and all tickets are gone).

Remember, you must be a WordCamp Europe attendee to register for Contributor Day.

Once registered on the website, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to allow you to edit details of your registration.

Tickets were released on 15 April and 20 May and were quickly taken by the WP Community.

Note: All places for Contributor Day have now been filled.

“I still have questions…”

As part of the efforts to demystify Contributor Days, we have published and signposted a number of resources to make it easier to take part.

We launched an “Ask me anything about Contributor Day” campaign to help submit questions about the event. You do not need to give your name to send in a query. Answers are published on the WCEU website and shared with other WordCamps so everyone can benefit.

Read the published questions and answers:

We also published a Contributor Day Glossary to help you get to know commonly used Contributor Day terms and definitions.

If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, feel free to post a question using this Google form. And if you have additional queries about the WCEU Contributor Day, you can contact the Community team.

More resources

Find out more about the team or teams you would like to explore at Make WordPress.

Each Contributor area has its own channel on the WordPress global project’s Slack tool. You can learn more there about the tasks each team is working on and join in. To participate in the Slack channels you will need a account.