Everyone is happy when they receive a postcard – that piece of paper that can put a smile on someone’s face. Now, we would like to have that kind of smiling face too, thanks to all the meetup and WordCamp organizers throughout Europe. Will you send us your digital postcards?
Do you remember these old postcards you sent or received during summers? It was before we documented our lives on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat or whatever social network we may use. They ended up in a shoebox, lost memories to be uncovered by grandchildren, or pinned on office walls, small windows to cheerful moments.
They told us about distant and wonderful places (or at least it looks so on the postcard). It was a way to say that somebody thought of you, that you were safe and happy, discovering great things. There’s magic in these small still photos with a quick note on the back saying that all was good and that you were having fun. Some of them were pieces of art, others… well, let’s say they belong to the prolific and undying kitsch art movement. You remember now?
We’d like to revive this lost tradition for WordCamp Europe 2017. We believe it’s a unique way to build a vivid mosaic of the European WordPress communities.
We’d like to receive a postcard from all WordCamps and meetups in Europe. Let us know you’re having fun and get a glimpse of what it’s like to gather talking WordPress in whatever city you organize one, nevertheless how small or big it is. Ideally, we will get a postcard from every organizer out there :).
What is a digital postcard and how to send us one?
Well, it’s basically the same thing as a standard physical one. The only difference is that you will be sending this postcard to us with a form. What do you need to know before you begin?
- prepare a postcard photo of the following dimensions (1900x1400px)
- landscape photo is better
- you can get creative with your postcard photo as much as you want
- remember to add your text directly on your postcard photo (don’t write it to detailed, though, write it down as you would do it on a real postcard)
- save your postcard in the PNG format and use this form to send it to us

What are we going to do with the postcards?
We’ll publish them on the WordCamp Europe website and social accounts. We’ll also try to create a postcard wall during the next WordCamp Europe event.
But I want to send you a real postcard!
Yes, we would like that too :).Please contact us at media@wp-europe.org so we could provide you with a physical address where you can send your postcard to.
We hope to receive news from all of you. In the meantime happy WordCamps and meetups.
I am from France but I’ll be speaking at WordCamp Pune and Udaipur, India…. I know it is not Europe but I can send a postcard too…?
Hey Isabelle. Send us a postcard if you’d like 🙂
Hi Emanuel,
I tried to send the postcard for our Meetup in Hamburg, but the upload is limited to 1MB. I saved and resaved several times, but can not get below 1,2 MB. Are you happy if i send the file and information to media@wp-europe.org?
Hi Steph, you can send the file to us on our email. Thanks, we’re looking forward to hear from you :).