Davide Casali

Davide Casali

I’m Davide Casali, better known as “Folletto”, currently one of the product team leads for WordPress.com and on the advisor board of multiple startups.

I’m a polymath with a hybrid background in design, psychology and technology.

In my 15+ years of professional experience I designed consumer (B2C), enterprise (B2B) and internal products for more than 6 million users worldwide in different markets and industries.

I worked with companies like Bank of England, Intesa Sanpaolo, Banca Sella, Unicredit, Nokia, Vodafone, Telecom Italia, Ferrari and Benetton.

I co-founded Good 50×70, an international social communication project and Baker Framework, a platform to publish HTML5 books and magazines on the iPad.

I authored with Gianandrea Giacoma a framework to design for social dynamics called Motivational Design, and authored a chapter of the book “How to communicate effectively with a remote team”.

I was a design partner in the startup WideTag where I led the product design of WideNoise, shortlisted in the Compasso D’Oro selection, the ADI Design Index 2010 and selected in the Top 10 Internet of Things Products of 2009.

In Automattic I lead Hyperion, the team that is working on WordPress.com, specifically on the themes and customization side, and I collaborate with the other teams and designer to align the experience across our products.

We were directly involved in the open-sourcing of the new WordPress.com infrastructure, Calypso.


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