Welcome the second group of #WCEU speakers!

Hey WordCampers! Hope you’re having a great Wednesday. We’re really excited to share with you the second group of #WCEU speakers. Hope you find something you like 😉


Matt Mullenweg is the co-founder of the open-source blogging platform, WordPress, the most popular publishing platform on the web, and the founder of Automattic, the company behind WordPress.com and Jetpack. Additionally, Matt is a principal and founder of Audrey Capital, an investment and research company.

Mark Jaquith has been using and helping build WordPress since 2004. He’s a lead developer on the WordPress core and offers freelance WordPress consulting services through Covered Web Services, focusing on security, scaling, and custom plugins. Mark enjoys solving interesting problems and working with curious people.

Helen Hou-Sandí is the Director of Platform Experience at 10up. She is a lead developer for the WordPress project and led the 4.0 release. Having earned graduate and undergraduate degrees in piano performance and accompanying, Helen’s artistic side supports the WordPress philosophy that “code is poetry”, with her decade spent as a professional collaborative musician providing a natural foundation for interacting with and wrangling a large contributor base.

Karim Marucchi is the CEO of Crowd Favorite and Chairman of The VeloMedia Group. In the past 20 years, his career path has encompassed a variety of opportunities including founding startups, working for large web agencies and taking companies public. This wealth of experience in taking digital teams across the globe has provided Karim with the necessary foundation and institutional knowledge in leading Crowd Favorite into the growing multinational organization it has become today.

Jenny Wong is a web developer at Human Made. Her love for development goes beyond the screen & is an advocate of both the PHP and WordPress communities.
As a WordCamp speaker, community event organiser and PHP Women evangelist, she loudly cheers people on to share knowledge & contribute back to both communities.

Tony Kovanen works with Automattic as a JavaScript Wrangler tweaking Jetpack among other things. He is a core team member of Socket.IO and contributes to many other Open Source projects. He loves to explore new technologies and ways to improve user experience, code quality and performance. He is born and currently based in Helsinki, Finland.

June 26th is approaching fast! Get your #WCEU ticket today if you haven’t already, and follow #WCEU on TwitterFacebook and Google +, to stay on top of things. 

About Petya Raykovska

WordPress Polyglots Team Contributor and mentor. WordCamp Volunteer and Organiser. Director of Operations @ Human Made I move a lot, travel for music, love carrot cake and make things happen.
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