Welcome GoDaddy, ManageWP and Insite by Duda as Author level sponsors!

We would like to say a huge “Thank you” to our author level sponsors Insite by Duda, ManageWP and GoDaddy! We really appreciate your support of WordCamp Europe.

Screenshot 2015-06-19 16.26.33inSites powered Dud are smart, personalized recipes that automatically CHANGE your website at pre determined TRIGGER points (such as Time, Location or Visits etc) to create a richer, more engaged and relevant visitor experience that drives greater conversion.

Screenshot 2015-06-19 16.26.43ManageWP has been conceived back in 2010 by a team of WordPress developers as the ultimate WordPress productivity tool for developers building and managing multiple WordPress websites. ManageWP is currently managing over a quarter of a million websites, helping developers to quickly and efficiently migrate websites, run backups, perform restores, monitor, maintain and optimize them, and a lot more.

The driving force behind this service is a dedicated team of over a dozen WordPress experts, contributors, WordCamp speakers, organizers – overall a fun bunch of people.

Screenshot 2015-06-19 16.26.54GoDaddy’s mission is to radically shift the global economy toward small businesses by empowering people to easily start, confidently grow and successfully run their own ventures. With more than 12 million customers worldwide and 57 million domain names under management, GoDaddy gives small business owners the tools to name their idea, build a beautiful online presence, attract customers and manage their business.

About Petya Raykovska

WordPress Polyglots Team Contributor and mentor. WordCamp Volunteer and Organiser. Director of Operations @ Human Made I move a lot, travel for music, love carrot cake and make things happen.
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