Ticket sales open for WordCamp Europe 2015

Grab yours today: The #WCEU 2015 tickets are now on sale.

The ticket price of 40 EUR covers two conference days (Friday and Saturday), lunch, coffee and snacks for every conference day, #WCEU contributor day on Sunday, a t-shirt and other awesome swag, and entrance to the WordCamp Europe after-party.

The registration for Contributor day will open separately, but we’ll appreciate it if you could mark your interest in your ticket registration form so we know how many people to expect and plan for.


Enough said! Get your ticket today and come join us in Seville for three days of WordPress awesomeness, knowledge sharing, networking & fun!

Tip: if you’ve applied to speak or volunteer, don’t buy your ticket just yet. Volunteers and speakers won’t be charged, and we’re holding enough aside so people who aren’t selected can still buy tickets.

Stay tuned to the most recent developments from the organising team on TwitterFacebook, and Google +

About Petya Raykovska

WordPress Polyglots Team Contributor and mentor. WordCamp Volunteer and Organiser. Director of Operations @ Human Made I move a lot, travel for music, love carrot cake and make things happen.
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