Ryan McCue

Ryan McCue

Ryan McCue was 14 when he started contributing to WordPress. Today, at 21, he’s a WordPress core contributor, and the lead developer of the SimplePie RSS/Atom parsing library included with core, plus the Requests HTTP library. He’s also the lead developer of the JSON REST API project that will bring a full REST API natively into WordPress. In all of his spare time, he’s a developer at Human Made.


About Petya Raykovska

WordPress Polyglots Team Contributor and mentor. WordCamp Volunteer and Organiser. Director of Operations @ Human Made I move a lot, travel for music, love carrot cake and make things happen.
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5 Responses to “Ryan McCue

  1. javorszky says:

    Awesome talk, thank you. Clearly understandable. The only thing I could not reproduce is the Plugin -> Beta Testing bit.

  2. Richard says:

    Awesome talk Ryan! Such clear, concise and practical examples. Huge thanks for all your work on the API. Can’t wait to go play around with this 🙂

  3. Exciting new things are coming. Thank you.

  4. seeclicpic says:

    Great talk Ryan. As a non-developer I was concerned I wasn’t going to get much out of the session but you made it accessible (use of HTMl examples really helped) and easy to follow in an engaging way.

  5. Thanks you, great talk 🙂

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