Joan Boluda

Joan Boluda

Joan Boluda an Online Marketing Consultant, teacher, podcaster, speaker, and writer from the beautiful city of Barcelona. He runs the Mataró WordPress Meetup, and is a co-organizer of the Barcelona WordPress Meetup and the Barcelona WordPress English Meetup. He is also one of the organizers and speaker of WordCamp Barcelona. While not evangelizing WordPress or podcasting, you can find him teaching Online Marketing Strategy at ESADE Executive Education programs.


About Petya Raykovska

WordPress Polyglots Team Contributor and mentor. WordCamp Volunteer and Organiser. Director of Operations @ Human Made I move a lot, travel for music, love carrot cake and make things happen.
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3 Responses to “Joan Boluda

  1. Diego says:

    The best so far! Congratulations! Great speaker!

  2. Thanks Diego, I really appreciate! 🙂

  3. Armando says:

    Thanks for your interesting talk, I enjoyed it a lot and also think that documentation should be localized more.
    I feel that documenting code in various languages directly in the source code will just bloat everything and make it very difficult to read the code itself though.

    Do you have any ideas on how best to do it?

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