Speaker applications for #WCEU close in 3 weeks

Speaker applications for #WCEU 2015 will close in three weeks on February 28th. Don’t wait till the last minute, apply to speak today.

WordCamp Europe is a WordCamp of WordCamps. It’s audience of around 1000 WordPress professionals from all over Europe, creating a unique opportunity for ideas and speakers to shine.

Have an idea, unique know-how, or anything else you want to showcase? Join the speakers of WordCamp Europe and let the world know.

Full-length sessions will be 25 minutes long with 10 additional minutes for questions from audience. If you have more than one idea, submit them all, we’ll pick the one we like best. Please send one submission per talk. 

What we’re looking for

We want topics that are well-presented as a story, that dig into a specific area while inspiring the audience. After the event, we want to send our audience home fired up and ready to wrangle new technology, implement a new business strategy, or get involved with the WordPress community even more.

Submission Deadline

We’re expecting your awesome speaking proposal by 28 February 2015.  All candidates will be contacted by 16 March.

Don’t wait till the last minute. Submit your talk suggestions today. We’re looking forward to reading about your ideas.

Apply to speak

About Petya Raykovska

WordPress Polyglots Team Contributor and mentor. WordCamp Volunteer and Organiser. Director of Operations @ Human Made I move a lot, travel for music, love carrot cake and make things happen.
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