1. Adrian Zumbrunnen – WYSIWTF
Why web publishing is so broken. A short look behind the scenes of creating a new kind of editing experience of the web.
2. Pascal Birchler – Centralizing WordPress Professionals
Thousands of people around the world make a living with WordPress. Despite this, professionals in our ecosystem are poorly indexed. In this talk I’m gonna present my take on creating a central platform for WordPress professionals, called WP Talents. I talk about the original idea, initial struggles and the future.
3. Bryce Adams – How I Built a WordPress-powered SaaS in 3 Days
I’m not the best developer. I’m not the best designer. But with WordPress, I, and you, can be anything. WordPress enabled me in less than 3 days to build a fully operational SaaS and solve a problem that pained many. With the introduction of the WordPress JSON API and plugin-specific APIs, there is no limit to what WordPress is capable of. You need only dream, and built it.