Last call: Speaker applications for #WCEU close in 5 days

Speaker applications for #WCEU 2015 will close in five days on February 28th.

We strongly encourage you to not wait for until the last minute and apply to speak today.

To help you prepare your submission, here are some example topics that we believe are interesting to our audience. Please note that these are only for inspiration – we encourage you to submit any idea based on your expertise. If you have several ideas, submit them all or contact us at, we’ll be happy to give you feedback and help you prepare your application.


  • Broader Horizons for WP developers – new languages, paradigms, and tools, that inspire us to be better WordPress developers.
  • Using modern JavaScript front-end tools with WordPress.
  • Developing larger projects with WordPress – both team and technical challenges, e-commerce solutions, complex web applications.
  • Real-world stories of automated testing (end-to-end, integration, browser, unit).
  • Learning – approaches for staying up-to-date with WordPress and the web development worlds.


  • Effective design processes and approaches (mobile-first, data-driven design, designing in the browser)
  • Designing user experiences for multiple devices/platforms (cohesive UX)
  • New trends in web standards and how to make a good use of them (HTML5, CSS, SVG)
  • Responsive web design & web typography


  • Strategies for business growth & challenges of growth (real-world stories and case studies will be great)
  • People management (customer service, developers, distributed teams)
  • Pricing & product strategies (competition analysis, differentiation, upselling, cross-selling, etc)
  • Brand & reputation management (how to build a strong brand, crisis management, etc)
  • Business optimization tips for freelance developers (all that paperwork and how to deal with it)

Content / Marketing / Community

  • Successful content strategies
  • SEO
  • Email marketing/Building a subscription
  • Social Media Management
  • Community strategies

Full-length sessions will be 25 minutes long with 10 additional minutes for questions from audience. If you have more than one idea, submit them all, we’ll pick the one we like best. Please send one submission per talk. 

Submission Deadline

We’re expecting your awesome speaking proposal by 28 February 2015.  All candidates will be contacted by 16 March.

Come share your knowledge with more than 1000 WordPress professionals from around the world. Become a part of the team, join the speakers of #WCEU.

Apply to speak

About Petya Raykovska

WordPress Polyglots Team Contributor and mentor. Director of Agency Operations @ Human Made I move a lot, travel for music, love carrot cake and make things happen.
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