Introducing the #WCEU contributor day workshops

WordCamp Europe is only 10 days away. We hope you’re really excited!


WordCamp Europe 2013 Contributor day, photo by Florian Ziegler

Have you already signed up for Contributor day on Sunday, June 28th? If you haven’t, there are still a few places left, make sure you save yours.

Sign Up for Contributor day

This year in parallel to the hard work in the main Contributor hall, we’ve prepared two-track workshop sessions you can attend. For first time contributors especially, some of these will be really valuable.

Contributor day Workshop schedule – Sunday, June 28th

Time Workshops 1 Workshops 2
11:00 am
Welcome and Introduction
11:30 am
12:30 pm
1:30 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
Wrap up

Contributor day teams and team leads

We have 230 people signed up for contributor day so far. Here’s a small graph to give you an idea of what the teams will look like:

Contributor day sign ups by team

Contributor day sign ups by team

Experienced contributors from all different teams will help volunteers no matter if they have contributed before or are just getting started.

Your team leads will introduce you to the team’s work and get you started making your first contribution to WordPress.

Contributor team leads

Core Mike Schroder, John Blackbourn, Konstantin Obenland
Meta Dominik Schilling, Andrey Rarst Savchenko, Sergey Biryukov
Support Mika Epstein
Theme Review Tammie Lister
Polyglots Petya Raykovska, Remkus de Vries
Docs Drew Jaynes
Design Hugo Baeta
Accessibility Rian Rietveld, Gary Jones
Mobile Jorge Bernal
Community Jenny Wong, Caspar Hübinger
BuddyPress Paul Gibbs, Rocio Valdivia
GlotPress Marko Heijnen
Marketing Sara Rosso

We highly recommend signing up for Contributor day to anyone who really wants to feel the spirit of the WordPress community. Come learn how WordPress is made and help make WordPress.

See you there!


The organising team.

About Petya Raykovska

WordPress Polyglots Team Contributor and mentor. WordCamp Volunteer and Organiser. Director of Operations @ Human Made I move a lot, travel for music, love carrot cake and make things happen.
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  1. Pingback: WordCamp Europe 2015 is tomorrow – important information | WordCamp Europe 2015