Help WordCamp Europe 2015 – call for volunteers is now open

WordCamp Europe 2015 needs you!

The 2015 org team is inviting you to join the show and become a part of the magic that is WordCamp Europe.

With more than hundreds of attendees expected at the event, we’re going to need a big team. Volunteers will be on the ground, meeting attendees, helping out with speakers and helping to make sure that the second WordCamp Europe is even better than the first. We are looking for people who are enthusiastic, organised, energetic, and who love WordPress.


Being a volunteer is more than just lending a hand. It’s a unique way of showing your support for the growing European WordPress community and getting involved with the WordPress project itself.

Volunteering can also be your way in to becoming the next WordCamp Europe organiser as it gives you a chance to get to understand how the event runs so that you can pull it off in the future. If you would like to hold WordCamp Europe in your city next year, we strongly recommend that you volunteer at WordCamp Europe 2015.


Go for it!

Get familiar with the Volunteers page & sign up to help WordCamp Europe 2015.

Thank you!

About Petya Raykovska

WordPress Polyglots Team Contributor and mentor. WordCamp Volunteer and Organiser. Director of Operations @ Human Made I move a lot, travel for music, love carrot cake and make things happen.
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